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Solid components enabling drag and swap layouts via Swapy

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Swapy Solid

This library provides a set of Solid components that streamline using Swapy in your Solid applications. It exposes the Swapy API in declarative JSX form and provides a reactive enable/disable toggle when needed.


Both solid-js and swapy are peer dependencies of swapy-solid.

npm install solid-js swapy swapy-solid
pnpm add solid-js swapy swapy-solid
yarn add solid-js swapy swapy-solid
bun add solid-js swapy swapy-solid


This library exports four components: <Swapy />, <SwapySlot />, <SwapyItem /> and <SwapyHandle />.

The main <Swapy /> component exposes the Swapy API configuration props to use at your discretion. The direct children of <Swapy /> are instances of <SwapySlot /> and every slot must have one <SwapyItem /> child. Lastly, the <SwapyHandle /> component is completely optional to use and can only be used as a direct child of <SwapyItem />.

Swapy requires all slots and items to have unique id values assigned to them. The <SwapySlot /> and <SwapyItem /> components do away with the need for you to manually assign unique ids via use of createUniqueId under the hood. However, if you would like to provide your own custom ids, that is supported via the optional slotId and itemId props respectively.

import { Swapy, SwapyHandle, SwapyItem, SwapySlot } from "swapy-solid";

    <SwapyItem>Content or Component</SwapyItem>
  <SwapySlot slotId="unique-slot-id-1">
    <SwapyItem itemId="unique-item-id-1">
      <div>Content or Component</div>
      <SwapyHandle class="handle" />

Furthermore on the optional <SwapyHandle /> component, it is entirely up to you to style and position it via CSS as you see fit. Swapy injects inline styles like position: relative on the <SwapyItem /> elements by default so you are free to apply position: absolute on your <SwapyHandle /> instances along with any other visual treatments you want to have.

Getting Started

Some pre-requisites before install dependencies:

  • Install Node Version Manager (NVM)
    curl -o- | bash
  • Install Bun
    curl -fsSL | bash

Installing Dependencies

nvm use
bun install

Local Development Build

bun start

Linting & Formatting

bun run lint    # checks source for lint violations
bun run format  # checks source for format violations

bun run lint:fix    # fixes lint violations
bun run format:fix  # fixes format violations

Unit Testing

We use Solid Testing Library for integration style unit tests

bun run test
bun run test:cov  # with test coverage


The only requirements when contributing are:

  • You keep a clean git history in your branch
    • rebasing main instead of making merge commits.
  • Using proper commit message formats that adhere to conventional commits
  • CI checks pass before merging into main


Solid components enabling drag and swap layouts via Swapy






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