DevBuddy is a platform designed for junior software engineers seeking to connect with fellow developers to find an accountability buddy. Our motto is: ‘We don’t make it easier to become a software developer, but you don’t have to be alone while becoming one.’
Visit the platform here: DevBuddy Website
This platform is the final project of Le Wagon Web Development Bootcamp batch #1576.
- User Authentication
- Onboarding
- Find and filter a buddy based on skill level and programming language
- Visit a buddy profile
- Add a buddy to your favorite list
- Select and Book a meeting with a buddy
- In app notifications about upcoming bookings
- Create and delete your own availabilities with time slots
- Approve incoming meeting requests
- See upcoming and past meetings
- Ruby on Rails 7.1
- PostgreSQL as Database
- Devise for user authentication
- Bootstrap 5.2 for styling
- Font Awesome for icons
- Simple Form for forms
- pg_search: Adds full-text search capabilities using PostgreSQL
- Flatpickr as datetime picker
- Stimulus JS for JS
- Cloudinary: Cloud-based image and video management
- Dotenv-Rails: Load environment variables from .env file
- Acts As Favoritor gem: Add favoriting functionality
- Clone Repository
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory
cd devbuddy
- Install dependencies
bundle install
- Setup the database
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
- Start the Rails server
rails server
Make sure to configure your database settings in config/database.yml. Create an account with Cloudinary Create an .env file to store environment variables.
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser. Register or log in to access the main features.