This is a Python library for interfacing with Marathon servers via Marathon's REST API.
- For Marathon 1.9.x and 1.10.x, use at least 0.13.0
- For Marathon 1.6.x, use at least 0.10.0
- For Marathon 1.4.1, use at least 0.8.13
- For Marathon 1.1.1, use at least 0.8.1
- For all version changes, please see
If you find a feature that is broken, please submit a PR that adds a test for it so it will be fixed and will continue to stay fixed as Marathon changes over time.
Just because this library is tested against a specific version of Marathon, doesn't necessarily mean that it supports every feature and API Marathon provides.
pip install marathon
pip install -e
git clone
python marathon-python/ install
uses Travis to test the code against different versions of Marathon.
You can run the tests locally on a Linux machine that has docker on it:
make itests
MARATHONVERSION=v1.6.322 make itests
API documentation is here.
Or you can build the documentation yourself:
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
cd docs/
make html
The documentation will be in <project-root>/gh-pages/html
open gh-pages/html/index.html
Create a MarathonClient()
instance pointing at your Marathon server(s):
>>> from marathon import MarathonClient
>>> c = MarathonClient('http://localhost:8080')
>>> # or multiple servers:
>>> c = MarathonClient(['http://host1:8080', 'http://host2:8080'])
Then try calling some methods:
>>> c.list_apps()
[MarathonApp::myapp1, MarathonApp::myapp2]
>>> from marathon.models import MarathonApp
>>> c.create_app('myapp3', MarathonApp(cmd='sleep 100', mem=16, cpus=1))
>>> app = c.get_app('myapp3')
>>> app.ports
>>> app.mem = 32
>>> c.update_app('myapp3', app)
{'deploymentId': '83b215a6-4e26-4e44-9333-5c385eda6438', 'version': '2014-08-26T07:37:50.462Z'}
>>> c.get_app('myapp3').mem
>>> c.get_app('myapp3').instances
>>> c.scale_app('myapp3', instances=3)
{'deploymentId': '611b89e3-99f2-4d8a-afe1-ec0b83fdbb88', 'version': '2014-08-26T07:40:20.121Z'}
>>> c.get_app('myapp3').instances
>>> c.scale_app('myapp3', delta=-1)
{'deploymentId': '1081a99c-55e8-4404-907b-4a3697059848', 'version': '2014-08-26T07:43:30.232Z'}
>>> c.get_app('myapp3').instances
>>> c.list_tasks('myapp1')
>>> c.kill_tasks('myapp1', scale=True)
>>> c.list_tasks('myapp1')
Open source under the MIT License. See LICENSE.