Copy bot commands from one stream elements account to another --- My usecase Twitch to Youtube
Clone the repository to your local system
git clone
Run npm install to install the dependencies
cd streamelements-copy-commands && npm install
Edit index.js and replace streamName, streamerId, and authToken at the top of the file -- See below for instructions how to get the values
var streamName = 'streamname';
var streamerId = '123456789';
var authToken = '123456789_longtoken_verylong';
Get streamname from whatever you !commands page is ie.
Go to streamelements dashboard for the account you want to copy commands to, then open the devtools in google chrome. Next go to bot commands and create a test command. Watch for the api call that calls${streamerId}
-- This is your streamerId. That same call look at the request headers and take the header that looks like authorization: Bearer ${authToken}
Once you're done with grabbing streamerId and authToken save the file then run node index.js
with Node Version 16+
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or make an issue. Twitter: @thehamsti