Library Management Application
Website is hosted at :
This Web Application is a prototype for a Library Management system. It consists of a Dashboard that displays books ,genre wise. The books can be added or removed after the user has logged in. The app uses JWT tokens to authorize the user and , only after the user is logged in , additional functionalitites such as issue/return of books ,Viewing your profile , Editing your profile details and Addtional /Removal of books .
- Python 3.7
- FASTAPI framework (for backend)
- PostgresSQL (database)
- HTML , CSS and Javascript (for frontend)
- Bootstrap CSS ( to make frontend better)
This app was created with the mindset of building a simple web app . If you would like to make it better , please add a pull request , i will be happy to incorporate the changes
- Clone the repository to your local storage
- Navigate to the file and make it your root ( Recommended to use a code editor such as VS Code )
- Create a virtual Environment on system (Optional But recommended , to avoid messing package versions)
[ If virtual environment is not installed , use pip install virtualenv
python -m venv <Environment name> (Eg. python -m venv env)
- Install all the packages using the given command.
pip install requirements.txt
- After the packages are installed , the last step is to start the uvicorn server to run the app
uvicorn main:app --reload
( Adding "reload" is recommended as it restarts the server everytime you make changes to your application )
- The dashboard can be accessed using the following link :
- Voila , U are ready to go !
- Dashboard (./books)
- Login / Signup Page (./login)
- Add new Books (./addbook)