See Issue29 for new module-based naming convension.
Changes from current system:
- Add a command center with a ROS Commander node interfaced by external GUI and/or CLI
- Launch the whole ROS system at boot. No more script switching.
- Creation of incapsulating modules: Command, Behavior, Controllers (need to change some ROS node names to hinder confusion)
- Allow Commander to turn Behavior module silent so that it does not publish to output/controller nodes.
- Commander can communicate with output/controller nodes directly to set:
- LED visualization
- Audio
- Navigate to point, wander or dock
- Manual mode: which lets us operate the Pioneer LX by attached Joystick or remotely by keyboard.
- Visual and audio nodes have built-in behaviours that can be requested by Commander or Behavior: Idle, Navigating, Manual, Play sound, Text-to-speach, LED show etc.