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Dockerized html-pdf-chrome, with headless chromium running in the background 🐳


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Dockerized html-pdf-chrome, with headless chromium running in the background.


Tag Dockerfile Build Context
:0.8.4, :latest View
  • All images are based on alpine, and include node and npm


To export a remote HTML page as .pdf:

docker run --rm -it -e URL=http://localhost -e PDF_FILE=export.pdf -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) --network host theohbrothers/docker-html-pdf-chrome:0.8.4
docker run --rm -it -e URL= -e PDF_FILE=export.pdf -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) theohbrothers/docker-html-pdf-chrome:0.8.4

For export more complex cases, mount your custom script as /export.js:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/export.js:/export.js -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) theohbrothers/docker-html-pdf-chrome:0.8.4 node /export.js

For a sleeping container (to reduce overhead of restarting chromium every run):

docker run --rm -it -e SLEEP=1 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) theohbrothers/docker-html-pdf-chrome:0.8.4

See html-pdf-chrome usage.


Requires Windows powershell or pwsh.

# Install Generate-DockerImageVariants module:
Install-Module -Name Generate-DockerImageVariants -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Verbose

# Edit ./generate templates

# Generate the variants
Generate-DockerImageVariants .

Variant versions

versions.json contains a list of Semver versions, one per line.

To update versions in versions.json:


To update versions in versions.json, and open a PR for each changed version, and merge successful PRs one after another (to prevent merge conflicts), and finally create a tagged release and close milestone:

$env:GITHUB_TOKEN = 'xxx'
./Update-Versions.ps1 -PR -AutoMergeQueue -AutoRelease

To perform a dry run, use -WhatIf.