NinjaBlocks module for LimitlessLED lights (Same as MiLight, EasyBulb, ...)
Your Ninja Block will need access to the WiFi Receiver Bridge to control your lights. If you haven't yet got your WiFi Receiver Bridge on your wireless network, here's a quick guide:
- Reset your Wifi Receiver Bridge
- Connect your computer to the wifi network "wifi_socket"
- Open your browser and visit
- In the wireless settings section:
- Work Type:
(connects to your existing network as a client) - SSID: the exact name of your wifi network, case-sensitive
- Encryption:
- WPA2-PSK(TKIP) = "WPA2 Personal"
- Key Format:
(if you use a text string as your password) - Encryption Key: your wifi network password
- Work Type:
- Save in the Wireless Settings section (NOT at the bottom of the page)
- Once the page reloads, in the network settings section:
- Untick DHCP Enable
- Fixed IP Address: enter the IP address for the bridge.
- Pick an IP that no other computer is using, and that your router won't give out
- Save this IP, you'll need it when setting up your Ninja driver
- Subnet Mask: usually (use the same as your computer uses)
- Gateway Address: usually your IP with ".1" at the end (use the same as your computer uses)
- DNS Address: usually the same as Gateway Address (use the same as your computer uses)
- Save in the Network Settings section (NOT at the bottom of the page)
Go to the "System" tab
Press "Restart System".
If you got your settings right, the LINK indicator on the bridge will light up and your bridge will be ready.
Follow the instructions included in the official WiFi Bridge Instruction PDF to pair your lights, but pair them using the "Wifi Controller 2" or similar app for iPhone/Android instead of the physical remotes so that your lights are paired to the WiFi Bridge (note that the app must be able to talk to an arbitrary IP, not just the default of - see the instruction PDF for more information).
The app will present a similar interface to the provided physical remotes, so use the same pairing method ("speed" for RGB, "channel on" for whites) as the instruction PDF suggests. Once complete, your LimitlessLED lights will be paired to your WiFi bridge rather than the original remote, and ready for the Ninja driver to use!
Make sure your lights are perfectly controllable from the phone app, otherwise the ninja driver will also not be able to control them!
- SSH into your block:
ssh ubuntu@ninjablock.local
- Change to the driver directory:
cd /opt/ninja/drivers
- Remove the old driver:
rm -rf ninja-limitlessLED
- Remove any old driver configuration left over:
rm -rf ../config/ninja-limitlessLED
- Get the new driver:
git clone
- Restart the ninjablocks client:
sudo service ninjablock restart
ubuntu@ninjablock:~$ cd /opt/ninja/drivers/
ubuntu@ninjablock:/opt/ninja/drivers$ rm -rf ninja-limitlessLED
ubuntu@ninjablock:/opt/ninja/drivers$ rm -rf ../config/ninja-limitlessLED
ubuntu@ninjablock:/opt/ninja/drivers$ git clone
Cloning into 'ninja-limitlessLED'...
remote: Counting objects: 120, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (64/64), done.
remote: Total 120 (delta 55), reused 115 (delta 50)
Receiving objects: 100% (120/120), 19.91 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (55/55), done.
ubuntu@ninjablock:/opt/ninja/drivers$ sudo service ninjablock restart
[sudo] password for ubuntu:
ninjablock stop/waiting
ninjablock start/running, process 1339
Initial setup:
- Press the
button in the top right of the Dashboard - Press
next toNinja Limitlessled
- Press
Configure LimitlessLED Hub
- Enter the IP Address of the "WiFi Receiver Bridge" (and enter the port if you changed it)
- Press
To set up your actual light groups:
- Press the
button in the top right of the Dashboard - Press
next toNinja Limitlessled
- Press
Add Light Group
- RGB:
- RGB currently only supports a single addressing of all RGB lights, so select "All" as the Light Group
- Select "RGB" as the color
- White:
- Select the colour group (four are supported) or "All" for a device that controls all 4 colour groups.
- Select "White" as the color
- Press
- A new widget will appear to control your light group. Notes on the legacy dashboard widget:
- RGB lights change color based on "Hue".
- White light color temperature can't be controlled, use the Beta Dashboard widget (see below) for this instead.
- Both white and RGB lights support on/off and brightness.
For those using the Beta Dashboard, there is a nice widget which detects the capabilities of the individual light group, and lets you choose color temperature on white lights as well. You can also fork/customise the widget.
To get started, enable the Beta Dashboard if you haven't already:
- Go to the
icon - Select the
tab - Toggle
Enable Beta Dashboard
to Enabled - You can now see the Beta Dashboard icon on the left
If for some reason you see RGB Color Wheel widgets instead of nice LimitlessLED widgets, you can manually load the new widget:
- Find the appropriate widget (currently look for "allrgb" or "1white" ... "4white" in the device type)
- Paste
in the Gist box and click Gist/Import - Your widget will change to give you a color/temperature wheel, brightness slider and on/off button.
The WiFi Receiver Bridge is very temperamental, it will probably take a couple of tries to get working.
Some notes that may help:
- Your WiFi network can't contain spaces, special characters, or anything else that confuses the interface. The interface is pretty flakey, so you'll actually need to change your network SSID or password if it's too complex! Hopefully limitless will release a better firmware update in the future.
- If the LINK light fails to come on: You probably configured it wrong. Try a different wifi setting, and make doubly sure you save the right section in the right order.
- If the bridge is connected and the LINK light turns on, but you can't pair a phone app to it, try resetting
everything (unplug, replug), make sure you can access the bridge web UI by visiting
http://<bridge ip you entered>/
in your browser. Make sure the IP address is set right on both the web UI and your phone app, pray to the test gods some more, etc. - If a phone app works but your Ninja Block can't control anything, make sure the Ninja Block has unrestricted access to the WiFi Receiver Bridge and is on the same local network. You can check this on your Ninja Block via SSH:
ubuntu@ninjablock:/opt/ninja$ curl -i --user "admin:000000" http://<wifi-bridge-ip>/
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
... more data ...
- The "WiFi Receiver Bridge" doesn't provide any feedback, so if you set the IP Address or port wrong, the widget will still display but will not be able to actuate. Similarly, you should make sure that all the LEDs are paired to the bridge and work completely before using the ninja driver, by using one of the free iPhone/Android applications suggested by limitless.
- The LimitlessLED doesn't support setting or reading brightness directly, so when you set brightness the ninja driver sends multiple brightness up/down events to syncronise, then set, the brightness. This seems to work most of the time, but it can occasionally get out of sync. You might see a slight over compensation as the driver overshoots (to calibrate) and gets back to the desired brightness value.