Introducing Serve, the hosting platform for functions. Use serve to program in the normal functional process that you used when you first started to code. If you're able to write a function, spin up a hosted function on Serve, copy and paste that function in our box, and then use our provided ghost function to replace it in your local code and call that function ON THE INTERWEBS!
That's it! have a function that processes authorization request! Have one that syncs documents! Do normal file IO! Take tasks that took hours, and now complete them in minutes.
Make the boilerplate apps you were always meant to. You focus on your big idea, stop worrying about making that impressive backend. At the starting point of an application's life cycle, it just needs to work.
We dockerize and distribute the load of all of our spun off function containers, but for you, YOU JUST PROGRAMMED ON THE CLOUDS! How does that feel? Easy huh?