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Project Portal Theme

Repository Contents

  • 📁packages has the example sites and theme itself:
    • 📁defaults is a completely empty Gatsby site which imports the theme and builds successfully, but does nothing else. It shows the Gatsby 404 page when you load the site. (This is intentional.)
    • 📁example-site is a site which uses the components and queries from the theme, and should grow to reflect a minimum working site.
    • 📁gatsby-theme-project-portal is the theme and incorporates all the shared components, layouts, templates, reused queries, and styling. It should be imported into the site as a theme.
    • 📁project-portal-content-decap is a plugin for the theme which provides configuration for the Decap-CMS and loads data from the JSON files it produces.
    • 📁storybook is a component workbench based on Storybook which displays the components and layout elements.
  • 📄.prettierrc is a configuration file for the prettier JavaScript formatter.
  • 📄package.json is the config file for the yarn workspaces we use when developing the theme.
  • 📄 contains zsh functions used for testing the packaging, publishing, and building of the sites without using yarn workspaces (which was the main problem with the first implementation of the theme).
  • 📄yarn.lock lists all the current package version used when setting up the workspaces.
  • 📄Brewfile can be used by the macOS homebrew package manager to install project dependencies. For more info, run brew bundle --help or visit
  • 📁node_modules When you run yarn install, the packages from ./.yarn/cache are unpacked here.
  • 📁artifacts is not checked in to the repository, but is where the yarn pack command in the test scripts outputs the .tgz file containing the theme.

Getting Started with Development


  • Run all the commands from the top level directory.
  • Use yarn, not npm.
  • Use zsh, not bash

Install Dependencies

You can install the dependencies (including node 18 and yarn berry) by running:

brew bundle

Install the node-dependencies and the workspaces:

yarn install

Develop Site in Workspace

Run the example site in develop mode:

yarn workspace example-site develop

If you want to run the Decap CMS backend, then you need to start the Decap server in a separate terminal window.

In the packages/example-site directory run:

npx decap-server

In the packages/example-site/static/config.yml file, change the local_backend parameter to:

local_backend: true

Then load the https://localhost:8000/admin/ to view the Decap CMS UI.

Develop Storybook in Workspace

Run the Storybook in develop mode:

yarn workspace storybook develop

Updated components in 📁gatsby-theme-project-portal will be shown in the Storybook.

Release Process

The release process is automated using GitHub Actions.

  • Navigate to the repository's code tab at
  • Click "Releases"
  • Click "Draft a new release"
  • In the "Choose a tag" field, type the new semantic release number using the NPM version syntax. The version number should be prefixed with a "v". e.g. "v1.2.3" for a standard release, "v1.2.3-a4" for an alpha release, "v1.2.3-b5" for a beta release, "v1.2.3-rc6" for a release candidate, and then click "Create new tag on publish".
  • Leave "Release title" empty.
  • Click on "Generate Release notes". Check that the release notes match with the version number you have chosen – breaking changes require a new major version number, e.g. v2.0.0, new features a minor version number, e.g. v1.3.0 and fixes a bugfix number v1.2.4. If necessary, modify the version number you've chosen to be consistent with the content of the release.
  • Select whether this is a pre-release or a new "latest" release. It's a "pre-release" if there's an alpha, beta, or release candidate number in the tag name, otherwise it's a new "latest" release.
  • Click on "Publish release"

GitHub actions will run to create and publish NPM packages. Check in GitHub actions whether the process runs without errors and fix any errors which occur.

Test the theme

Test installing and building the theme using the test-packaging scripts, where you load the theme and other plugins from the registry instead of the local directory:

package-and-install -t "packages/example-site/" -w @thepolicylab-projectportals/gatsby-theme-project-portal,@thepolicylab-projectportals/project-portal-content-decap

This script simulates the package release and build process that the sites undergo during deployment via Netlify. This script is helpful when debugging strange errors in the build process, i.e. when errors only occur during deployment.

Use Prettier Code Formatter in WebStorm

To set up the prettier code formatter, first install the dependencies (yarn install) and then ensure that prettier is activated in the dialog box: WebStorm > Preferences > Languages and Frameworks > JavaScript > Prettier.

The settings should be:

  • Prettier package: yarn:package.json:prettier (only selectable if you have previously run yarn install)
  • Run for files: the default suggested by WebStorm
  • On 'Reformat Code' action
  • On save