GCMlib allows you to encrypt and decrypt data via AES in GCM mode with a password derived key. Your encrypted data/strings can only be decrypted using the aformentioned key. You can use this for a variety of things from securing passwords, encrypting HWIDs and files. Making AES encryption a little bit easier!
What has been updated as of | 05/01/23:
- Made dependencies use latest versions.
[Directly from here/this repo.]
[therealOri ~]$ pip install git+https://github.com/therealOri/GCMlib
[From Pypi.]
[therealOri ~]$ pip install GCMlib
If you would like to make this look better/more presentable. Please by all means make a pull request xD. I'm not the best with making things look great.
It is important to know that all functions will take 2 values in BYTES. The data to encrypt and the key. Make sure the data passed to the functions are in that order. Data first then Key.
The making of the "key" takes in a password (that you can make using Genter). The key then gets used to encrypt your data.
import gcm
data = b'Hello World <3'
key_data = b'abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde'
eKey = gcm.keygen(key_data) #Returns bytes and will return "None" if what's provided is less than 100 characters.
save_me = base64.b64encode(eKey) #for saving eKey to decrypt later.
input(f'Save this key so you can decrypt later: {save_me}\n\nPress "enter" to contine...')
gcm.clear() #clears terminal or cmd/powershell window.
data_enc = gcm.stringE(enc_data=data, key=eKey)
print(data_enc) # Output is b64 encoded. --> eyJub25jZSI6ICJjQjhpWmc0MWhDWXBRVXdVdW53Q0pRPT0iLCAiaGVhZGVyIjogIlJXNWpjbmx3ZEdWa0lIVnphVzVuSUVkRFRXeHBZaTRnUkU4Z1RrOVVJRlJCVFZCRlVpQlhTVlJJTGlBZ2ZDQWdUV0ZrWlNCaWVTQjBhR1Z5WldGc1QzSnBJQ0I4SUNCaUoxeDRNVE5jZUdKaFhIaGpaVng0TVdWY2VHRTRYSGhsT1VOY2VHRmxKdz09IiwgImNpcGhlcnRleHQiOiAiZ2FDSjY4N2FGVjNMMEIyb01Ecz0iLCAidGFnIjogIkJBUjlmVzkzaWFESnUwckpSU2o3VEE9PSJ9
b64_enc_key = input("base64 encoded bytes/key made with keygen(): ")
dKey = base64.b64decode(b64_enc_key)
str_dcr = gcm.stringD(dcr_data=data, key=dKey)
print(str_dcr.decode('utf-8') # Output is "Hello World <3"
I am not liable or responsible for any data loss or destruction of any kind when using GCMlib. If you lose data and do not have backups then that is solely on you.
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