Project has two versions with similar methods; one for desktop (classic Java) and another for Android. It is dependent on thereisonlywe-quran, and thus you need to have that project (or its binaries) on your path. Installation is very straight forward; just add .jar files inside "bin" directory as libraries to your project and you are all set. Below are some examples of usage:
Verse/Ayah Recitation:
- Set context on Android
- Construct a Dhikr object (a group of verses)
Dhikr d = new Dhikr(Quran.getVerses(1)); //every ayah from first section in order
- Construct a DhikrImam object with two reciters (one for the original text, another for its translation)
DhikrImam imam = new DhikrImam(d, QuranReciterList.AFASY, QuranReciterList.WALK, false); //last parameter determines if required files are downloaded before recitation (when false, files will be downloaded while playing)
- Set properties
imam.setSkipProstration(true); //enable this if you don't want pauses after special sujud/prostration verses
imam.setLoop(true); //enable this for continous playback
imam.setVolume(50); //set volume (0-100)
imam.setReciterSwitchAllowed(false); //disable this if you want to force the selected reciter and disallow switching on download fails
imam.setTextReciterSwitchAllowed(false); //same as above, except for the translation reciter
imam.setRequireTextRecitation(true); //enable if you wish to force translation recitation
imam.setForceUpdates(true); //enable if you want to check the integrity (or version) of downloaded audio files
imam.setRelentlessAudioFocus(true); //on android: allow other apps to stop ongoing recitation
imam.setGainFocus(true); //on android: whether to take over audio channel
- Begin recitation
- Control flow
imam.pause(); //pauses recitation at the end of the currently recited verse and on revive continues recitation with the next verse
imam.terminate(); //pauses recitation immediately and on revive continues from exactly where leftoff (just like a normal music player pause)
imam.terminate(); imam.terminate(); //when called twice with no revive in-between, stops recitation altogether
imam.hold(); //pauses recitation immediately and on revive continues recitation with the repetition of the current verse from start
imam.revive(); //resumes recitation
imam.proceed(); //used after a sujud verse to continue recitation (not needed if setSkipProstration is set to true)
imam.resetReciters(); //used to change reciters during playback
- Check state
imam.getVerse(); //returns the verse currently being recited
imam.isAlive(); //true if a recitation is currently in progress
imam.getStatus(); //feedback on what imam is currently doing
- Convenience
Imam.getAliveImam(); //(static) to get a reference to ongoing recitation without passing the Imam object across classes
DhikrImam.propose(imam); //(static) to pass an Imam object with current state to another class (most likely to a service)
DhikrImam imam = new DhikrImam(); //reinitialize state from proposition by calling the empty constructor
Athan/Iqama Recitation:
- Select desired athan file (reciter, athan type)
File athan = RecitationConstants.getAthanFile(RecitationConstants.getRandomReciterPath(), RecitationConstants.ATHAN_FAJR_PATH); //notice there are 5 different files for each reciter for athan to be recited with appropriate maqam and sound different
- Create Imam object from file
Imam imam = new Imam(athan);
Imam imam = new Imam(Imam.IQAMA);
- Begin recitation
- Control flow
imam.terminate(); //pauses recitation immediately and on revive continues from exactly where leftoff (just like a normal music player pause)
imam.revive(); //resume
imam.terminate(); imam.terminate(); //when called twice with no revive in-between, stops recitation altogether
- Convenience
athan = RecitationConstants.getExistingAthanFile(RecitationConstants.ATHAN_DHUHR_PATH); //use this when you don't know which reciters are available offline
Prayer/Salah Recitation:
- Create a Prayer object (length, number of rakaat, reciter, verse randomization method, recite Iqama before, recite a short prayer after, randomization of wait times in millis, wait times in millis)
Prayer prayer = new Prayer(Prayer.VERSE_RANGE_NARROW, 2, QuranReciterList.RIFAI, Prayer.SALAT_RANDOMIZATION_IN_SECTION, true, false, 1500, new int[] { 7000, 2000, 3000, 12000, 5000,
9000, 5000, 7000, 5000, 15000, 40000, 3000 });
- Create a PrayerImam from Prayer
PrayerImam imam = new PrayerImam(prayer);
- Begin recitation
- Think twice before using PrayerImam on Android; it is very easy to lose audio focus.
Required Permissions for Android:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
Check "doc" folder for a complete methods overview.