TailXpense is a intuitive user interface built with Tailwind Css for the company who offers expense tracking services. It is a fully responsive website with Modern UI/UX practices.
HTML5 + Javascript + Tailwind CSS
Check out the deployed website by hitting the link below :
To Install and run this project locally, one must follow all the steps mentioned below:
Clone the repository:
Install required dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
- A responsive hamburger menu for small screens that closes when user clicks outside of it or on the navigation link.
- Followed best SEO practices with open graph meta tags
- Optimized code with Tailwind css directives such as @layer and @apply
- Animated testimonials effect which appears on hitting the user profile.
- A card flip on hitting the rounded switch for showcasing the bill payment and service offered monthly and annually.
- A beautifully structured sitemap at the bottom of the website and eye catching grid of blogs written.
- A live preview of website on sharing the link.