Install nvm
$ nvm install 18
$ nvm install 20
Switch to Node v20, run the test:
$ nvm use 20
$ node --loader tsx --no-warnings --test index.test.ts
Error: is the line number right?
at SomeLib.doSomething (file:///Users/smart/thesmart/repro-tsx-line-no/lib.ts:1:149)
at TestContext.<anonymous> (file:///Users/smart/thesmart/repro-tsx-line-no/index.test.ts:1:121)
Switch to node v18, run the test:
$ nvm use 18
$ node --loader tsx --no-warnings --test index.test.ts
Error: is the line number right?
at SomeLib.doSomething (/Users/smart/thesmart/repro-tsx-line-no/lib.ts:3:11)
at TestContext.<anonymous> (/Users/smart/thesmart/repro-tsx-line-no/index.test.ts:7:5)
The line numbers in v20 are wrong.