The project is the final assignment in the Foundations Course on The Odin Project. The full assignment instructions can be found here.
Find a live demo of the project here.
I had a lot of trouble early in this project becaue I was stubbornly trying to make everything work inside of one or two large functions. After some headache and some research I broke everything into smaller, easier to understand functions and progress went much smoother.
After sharing my project on The Odin Project discord channel I was made aware that the display would overflow if you entered more than 18 digits. I saw some other projects that seemed to use css to keep the overflow inside the box and hide it, but I figured that a calculator with such basic functions really didn't need to use numbers that large. I made a fundtion in the script to limit the entries after 18 digits.
function display(toBeDisplayed) {
currentDisplay.innerText = toBeDisplayed;
if(currentDisplay.innerText.toString().length > 18) {
currentDisplay.innerText = currentDisplay.innerText.toString().slice(0, -1);
Big thanks to user DreamVenerable in the discord channel for pointing that out.