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CustomCommands for Velocity

This is a Velocity plugin that allows you to create custom commands. It offers you a simple way to create commands that can be executed by players. These commands can be customized to your liking.


  1. Download the latest release from modrinth.
  2. Put the jar file in plugins/.
  3. Restart your server.


Command Description Permission
/customcommands reload Reload the configuration file and all the custom commands customcommands.reload
/customcommands list List all custom commands customcommands.list
/customcommands help Show the help page
/customcommands version Show the plugin's version customcommands.version
/customcommands Show the help page

All these commands require their respective permissions or the customcommands.admin permission. They can also be executed via /cc.

/customcommands list

This command displays a list of all custom commands, which looks like this:

  • The ✔/❌ indicates whether the command is enabled or disabled.
  • The yellow string is the command name. Click to suggest the command in the chat input.
  • Hover A to see an array of all the aliases.
  • Hover D to see the description.
  • Hover P to see the permission.
  • Hover P? to see whether the prefix should be added to the response message.



The config is located at plugins/customcommands/config.toml.

Content of config.toml
# CustomCommands Configuration

# This is the prefix that will be displayed in front of all messages
# Only supports MiniMessage, see and for more information
Prefix = "<gray>[<gradient:#38ffdb:#8aff8c>CustomCommands<gray>]"

# This is the default message that will be displayed when a player does not have permission to execute a command
No-Permission = "<red>You do not have permission to execute this command."

# This is the default message that will be displayed when a command is run from the console, but the command is not allowed to be run from the console
No-Console-Command = "This command cannot be run from console!"

# This is the default message that will be displayed when a command has been executed successfully
Command-Executed = "<green>Command executed successfully."

# Do not change this
Config-Version = 1.0

Custom Commands

Create your custom commands in plugins/customcommands/Commands/. Each command is saved in a separate toml file.

Content of the default command file (DefaultCommand.toml)
# Command Configuration

# Enabled?
Enabled = true

# This is the command name that will be used to call the command in the chat
Name = "defaultcommand"

# These are the aliases. Empty the array if you don't want any aliases, like so: Aliases = []
Aliases = ["default", "defaultcmd"]

# This is the description of the command that will be displayed in the help command
Description = "This is the default command of CustomCommands"

# This is the permission required to use the command. Leave empty for no permission
Permission = "customcommands.defaultcommand"

# This is the response that will be sent when the command is called. Leave empty for no response
# Only supports MiniMessage, see and for more information
Response = "<green>Command executed successfully!"

# Add the plugins Prefix configured in config.toml to the response message
UsePrefix = true

# This is the cooldown of the command in seconds
Cooldown = 0


>> A velocity plugin that creates configurable commands







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