Perfect research papers in an instant
You first need to clone the project on your computer.
From the command-line:
git clone
cd papers-please
Our main dependencies are:
If you don't already have those installed, use
brew install node
To install our dependencies, run:
npm install
Everything mentioned in the installation process should already be done.
# Start the server and the development tools.
npm run start
# Voilà!
# You can then go to http://localhost:3000/ to see the site running.
# When you feel like it, you can run the tests.
npm run test
Other tasks:
npm run build
npm run dist
The site is deployed on Heroku. It is automatically deployed with Travis, but you can also trigger manual deploys.
To deploy the site, you'll need the Heroku Toolbelt:
brew install heroku-toolbelt
, an Heroku Account, and contributor access on the project.
You'll also need to do some configuration beforehand:
# First log in to Heroku.
heroku login
# Add the Heroku remote to the repository.
heroku git:remote -r heroku -a papers-please
# Retrieve the deploy branch from GitHub.
git fetch --all
Then for each deploy:
# Switch to the deploy branch.
git checkout deploy
# Merge it with master.
git merge master
# Rebuild the project.
npm run build
# Commit the new build.
git add . && git commit -m 'Deploy latest version'
# Push it to GitHub, and Travis will pick it up.
git push origin deploy
# Alternatively, manual deploy
git push heroku deploy:master
Only when we set up the Heroku Dyno:
heroku config:add ENV=production
heroku config:add TZ="Pacific/Auckland"
heroku ps:scale web=1
To configure deployment from Travis:
travis setup heroku
Built with:
- Heroku
- mikpanko/expresso implementation of NLP with NLTK.