mgulibSC (DEPRECATED, see instead)
set of tools for superCollider
Please note that the library as it currently is should not yet be used
- simply place the folder in your SC Extension Folder : ~/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/ on OSX ~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/ on Linux
locations can also be obtained by running: Platform.userExtensionDir and Platform.systemExtensionDir
OSC audio module architecture
- Minuit implementation
- GUI generation from module parameters
- convenient connexions between modules
built-in modules
- filters, eq, compressors
- convolution
- soundFile players
- granulators
- pitch & frequency shifters
- chorus, delay, reverb (zita_rev1)
various audio plug-ins (C & Faust implementations)
interface for Ableton Push
various utility/convenience classes