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a few fixes and improvements to bunny-the-fuzzer by Michal Zalewski (last released as v0.93 beta in May 2008)


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Bunny the Fuzzer

  Author    : Michal Zalewski <>
  Copyright : Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
  License   : Apache License, version 2.0

1. What is this?

  Bunny is a feedback loop, high-performance, general purpose protocol-blind 
  fuzzer for C programs (though in principle easily portable to any other
  imperative procedural language).

  The novelty of this tool arises from its use of compiler-level integration 
  to seamlessly inject precise and reliable instrumentation hooks into the 
  traced program. These hooks enable the fuzzer to receive real-time feedback 
  on changes to the function call path, call parameters, and return values in
  response to variations in the input data.

  This architecture makes it possible (and quite simple!) to significantly 
  improve the coverage of the testing process without a noticeable performance 
  impact usually associated with other attempts to peek into run-time internals.

2. Why bother?

  Traditional fuzzing offers a very shallow code penetration for non-trivial
  applications and input formats. If a file of a hundred bytes or so needs to
  have three bits flipped to a particular value to reach a vulnerable function,
  the likelihood of this being stumbled upon by a regular fuzzer is negligible.

  To work around this problem, specialized fuzzers are devised to properly 
  handle specifics of the tested protocol, and focus on known tricky inputs.
  Unfortunately, this approach is time-consuming, and initial assumptions made
  by the operator may artificially limit test coverage.

  "Smart" fuzzers that observe changes in the execution of a process in response
  to changes to the input data should in theory be able to overcome many of
  these limitations. Unfortunately, most designs proposed to date attempted to
  instrument run-time disassembly, trace applications step-by-step, or take 
  similar expensive routes, suffering a massive performance blow that 
  effectively canceled out any efficiency gain.

  Bunny tries to approach the challenge from a slightly different angle, and
  injects scalable, high-performance probes during precompilation stage. This
  results in several key advantages:

  - The approach does not feature a steep setup or learning curve. There is no
    training or protocol knowledge necessary; any project can be automatically
    instrumented with a drop-in replacement for GCC, and is immediately ready
    for testing:

      CC=/path/to/bunny-gcc ./configure

  - There is no significant performance penalty involved. Core fuzzing
    components are designed for highest speed, and feature cyclic SHM output
    buffers with userland spinlocks, keep-alive architecture, and syscall
    overhead limited to bare minimum. The instrumentation is injected in key
    HLL control points, limiting the amount of data to be analyzed. On a typical
    dual-core P4 desktop, fuzzing of a small utility peaks at 3600 execs/second,
    compared to 4000 for a dummy loop.

  - Both small and large real-life components can be instrumented and tested
    alike. From zlib to libpng to OpenSSH, there is no need to alter the
    build and testing process.

  - Fine-grained configuration and easy automation. The fuzzer implements 9
    neat fuzzing strategies and offers detailed controls over their behavior,
    fuzzing depth, and the like. It features automated crash case sorting
    and annotation and random-run scenarios for unattended, massively parallel

  Smart features aside, Bunny is a good "classic" fuzzing application, too - 
  with network output support and a number of fairly comprehensive fault 
  injection strategies, it can be used to attack non-instrumented applications
  as well.

3. You mentioned prior work, eh?

  Yes; several other folks toyed with the idea and released research papers
  in the past, most notably:

    (Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing by Godefroid, Levin, Molnar)
    (A Smart Fuzzer for x86 Executables] by Lanzi, Martignoni, Monga, Paleari)

  These designs are difficult to independently evaluate, as they remain 
  non-public, and generally employ assembly-level instrumentation, which would 
  appear to provide output of lower analytic quality.

  A related public work at Google is Flayer by Will Drewry and Tavis Omandy -
  a Valgrind-based tool that can be used to reach potentially vulnerable code,
  then work your way up to figure out what inputs get you there:

4. So how does it work, exactly?

  On a high level, the algorithm is remarkably simple:

    0) Seed fuzzing queue with a known good input file.

    1) Attempt several deterministic, sequential fuzzing strategies for
       subsequent regions in the input file, as well as for regions that are
       known to affect execution paths based on previously recorded data.

    2) If any change resulted in a never previously observed execution path,
       store the input that triggered it and queue it for further testing.

    3) If any change resulted in an interesting change in any function call
       parameter or return value within a known execution path (for example,
       we now have -3 where we had 7 previously), store and queue the input.

    4) If program fault is sensed for any input (crash, hang, etc), record this
       event and make copy of the offending input data.

    5) When done, fetch next input to be tested from queue, go to 1.

  Bunny implements a total of 9 fuzzing stages:

    Stage 0: fully random fuzzing of known execution path effectors
    Stage 1: deterministic, walking bit flip of variable length
    Stage 2: deterministic, walking value set operation of variable length
    Stage 3: walking random value set of variable length
    Stage 4: deterministic, walking block deletion of variable length
    Stage 5: deterministic, walking block overwrite of variable length
    Stage 6: deterministic, walking block duplication of variable length
    Stage 7: deterministic, walking block swap of variable length
    Stage 8: random stacking of any of the above operation (last resort)

5. How do I use it?

  Compile the fuzzer suite itself ('make'), then run the following against 
  your target project:

    cd /path/to/project/
    CC=/path/to/bunny-gcc ./configure

  Alternatively, simply use bunny-gcc to compile any standalone code, exactly
  the way you would use GCC. The wrapper compiles OpenSSH, bash, and a number
  of other open source projects cleanly - but if you encounter problems, do 
  let me know.

  Once compiled, the resulting binary can be manually traced by invoking
  bunny-trace utility to peek at how the fuzzer sees the world, for example:

    /path/to/bunny-trace /path/to/executable
    +++ Trace of '/path/to/executable' started at 2007/09/07 21:06:01 +++
    [19179] 000 .- main()
    [19179] 001 | .- foo1(1)
    [19179] 001 | `- = 7
    [19179] 001 | .- foo2(2)
    [19179] 001 | `- = 9
    [19179] 001 | .- something(3, 4)
    [19179] 001 | `- = 0
    [19179] 001 | .- name13(5, 6, 7)
    [19179] 001 | `- = 0
    [19179] 000 +--- 10
    [19179] 000 `- = 0
    --- Process 19179 exited (code=0) ---

  To run a proper fuzzing session, create a new directory (e.g., 'test') with
  two empty subdirectories: 'in_dir' and 'out_dir'. Put the desired input file
  to use as a seed for fuzzing in 'in_dir', under any name of your choice. 
  Next, invoke 'bunny-main', passing the paths to your input and output 
  directories, as well as directions on how to reach the target application
  or network service, using appropriate command-line switches. 

  Two most common usage scenarios are:

    mkdir test
    mkdir test/in_dir
    mkdir test/out_dir
    cp sample.jpg test/in_dir/

    # If program accepts data on stdout:
    ./bunny-main -i test/in_dir -o test/out_dir /path/to/app

    # If program requires disk file input:
    ./bunny-main -i test/in_dir -o test/out_dir -f test/infile.jpg \
                  /path/to/app test/infile.jpg

  And that's it - the output will be saved to out_dir/BUNNY.log; crash cases
  will go to out_dir/FAULT*. Sit back and relax. If you want fast and dirty
  results, consider adding -q and -k parameters to the command line.

  For more sophisticated jobs, below is a list of all command line options
  supported by bunny-main (defaults are reported when the program is called
  with -h switch):

  Fuzzed data output control:

    -f file     - write fuzzer output to specified file before each testing
                  round, instead of using fuzzed application's stdin.

    -t h:p      - write fuzzer output to a TCP server running at host 'h',
                  port 'p', after launching the traced application.

    -u h:p      - write fuzzer output to UDP server, likewise.

    -l port     - write fuzzer output to the first TCP client to connect to
                  specified port.

  Execution control:

    -s nn       - time out if no instrumentation feedback is received for 'nn'
                  milliseconds. Such a situation will be marked as a DoS
                  condition and saved for analysis.

    -x nn       - time out unconditionally after 'nn' milliseconds.

    -d          - allow "dummy" mode: perform a single round of fuzzing even
                  if no instrumentation is detected in the traced application,
                  and just detect crashes in response to dumb fuzzing.

    -n          - do not abandon a fuzzing round in which a fault occurred.
                  May end up producing multiple similar crash cases, but
                  slightly improves coverage.

    -a nn       - assure that crash is reproducible by re-trying 'nn' times.
       	          Defaults to 0 (no retries).

    -g          - use audible notification (aka "beep") to alert of crashes.
                  The exact behavior of this depends on your terminal settings.

  Fuzzing process control (these options affect performance):

    -B nn[+s]   - controls bit flip fuzzing stage (1/8); limits flip run length
                  to 'nn' bits, and uses a stepover of 's'.

    -C nn[+s]   - controls chunk operations; limits chunk size to 'nn' bytes,
                  uses a stepover of 's'.

                  Note that chunk operations are time-consuming; keep this and
                  -O options in check for larger files.

    -O nn       - controls chunk operations; limits chunk displacement to 'nn'

    -E nn       - controls effector registration; limits the number of
                  effectors associated with a single trace value. Prevents 
                  checksums and similar fields from diluting the effector set.

    -X b:nn     - affects value walk stage (2/8); Bunny uses a set of 
                  predefined "interesting" values, such as -1, 0, or MAX_INT,
                  in order to trigger fault conditions (see config.h). You can
                  override this set by specifying multiple -X parameters. First
                  field, 'b', specified byte width (1, 2, or 4), second field
                  is a signed integer to use.

    -Y nn       - controls random walk stage (3/8); sets the number of random
                  values to try before moving on.

    -R nn       - controls random exploration stages; resets fuzzed file to
                  its pristine state every 'nn' tries, stacks random 
                  modifications in between.

    -S nn       - controls random exploration stages; sets the number of random
                  operations stacked in every round.

    -N nn       - controls queue branching; caps the number of call paths
                  registered in a single fuzzing round.

    -P nn       - controls queue branching; likewise, but for parameter

    -L nn       - controls per-round calibration cycle count; these cycles
                  are used to establish execution baseline, detect variable
                  parameters such as time(0) or getpid() output, and the like.
                  Use -L 1 to speed things up if you have no reason to suspect
                  these are used by a program, or higher values to detect
                  really sneaky cases.

    -M nn       - controls trace depth; limits the number of instrumented
                  function calls analyzed in each run. This is the primary
                  method of managing tracing performance, memory usage, and
                  trace time.

    -F nn       - controls block operations; caps fuzzable data set size to
                  prevent runaway size increments in some rare cases. By
                  default set to initial set size, times 2.

    -8          - controls value set stage; enables the use of all possible
                  8-bit values, instead of the default subset of "interesting"
                  ones. Recommended, time permitting.

    -r          - controls parameter variation detection; enables finer-grained
                  value ranging to detect more subtle differences (will result
                  in far more variable paths being discovered). 

    -z          - disables parameter variation detection; parameter path forks 
                  will not be recorded. This is a very coarse but quick method.

    -k          - disables deterministic fuzzing rounds, and goes straight to
                  random stacking. This is a particularly useful for easy

    -q 		- randomizes queue processing; this might speed up discovery
                  of deeper-nested problems, though there is no guarantee

6. Advanced usage notes

  This section contains assorted tips for optimizing fuzzing performance and
  dealing with complex input scenarios

  == NOTE #1: Minimizing fuzzing effort ==

  For certain applications, it might be quite obviously highly advisable to 
  make generic tweaks to the code in order to improve odds of fuzzing, such as
  the removal of CRC32 checks, or flipping the switch on null encryption 

  == NOTE #2: Selective instrumentation tools ==

  Bunny-gcc will automatically instrument function names, parameters, 
  nesting level, and return values. This is optimal for almost all projects,
  large and small - but when dealing with ultra-compact code, or targeting the 
  inner workings of a single suspect function, you can install hooks manually, 
  by adding a "BunnySnoop" preprocessor directive with an integer parameter 
  inline in the function:

    BunnySnoop table[0];

  WARNING: Make sure that, no matter which call path within a function is
  taken, a constant number of BunnySnoop statements will be encountered. A
  mismatch will cause a runtime error, because the fuzzer can't immediately
  figure out how to compare such variations in a meaningful manner.

  In some cases, it is undesirable to instrument a particular function -
  for example, if it is invoked in a read loop to perform a fairly mundane
  task, and produces megabytes of useless trace information; to manually
  suppress instrumentation, use 'BunnySkip' directive immediately before a 
  { ... } block, for example:
    static int do_boring_stuff(char* buf) BunnySkip {

  This directive may also be written as '/*BunnySkip*/' to preserve the
  possibility to compile with the standard compiler.  (Note that there is no
  whitespace allowed between the begin-of-comment token '/*' and 'BunnySkip'.)

  == NOTE #3: Advanced output structure management ==

  Bunny supports selective fuzzing of files and multi-packet network output:

  1) Each file placed in there is output in a separate write; if you wish to 
     send multiple packets, this is a method to achieve this. Files in this 
     directory will be sorted and used in a default alphasort order. e.g.:

     packet0001, packet0002, packet0003 ...

  2) File names ending with '.keep' will *not* be fuzzed, but passed through 
     as-is. This is useful for excluding chunks of a large input set from the 
     tests for performance reasons. 

  3) If a 0-sized *.keep file is encountered, and the output is to a network
     socket, the output component will pause to sink an input packet received
     from the remote party before continuing. This can be used to fuzz 
     interactive client-server communications (e.g., wait for a response 
     before sending a new command).

  The number of "fuzzable" bytes has a linear impact on the speed of testing,
  simply because most of the fuzzing steps involve deterministic, sequential
  changes to the data. File sizes between 1 and 250 bytes are probably optimal,
  assuming default settings.

7. Troubleshooting

  This section describes common real-world fuzzing problems (P), and 
  suggestions (S) on how to deal with them.

  P: I cannot build the fuzzer itself because of '-Wno-pointer-sign' error.

  S: Use a newer version of GCC or remove the first occurrence of
     -Wno-pointer-sign in project's Makefile.

  P: When I try to issue 'make' on a program to be instrumented, I get libtool
     lock errors and the compilation hangs.

  S: This is because of an ill-conceived check in some autoconf files. This
     check inevitably breaks with some compilers. Re-run ./configure but append 
     --disable-libtool-lock to its command-line options, then try 'make' again.

  P: Bunny completes a couple of fuzzing rounds and gives up.

  S: The utility can't find enough interesting call paths to follow.
     Try the following:

     - If you are fuzzing a library, make sure not only the test program, but 
       also the library itself is properly instrumented, and that your test
       program indeed uses the instrumented copy, not a system-wide version.
       Use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to guide the dynamic linker.

     - Make sure that the targeted code does not reside in a single, compact 
       function - if so, you have to instrument the function manually using 
       "BunnySnoop" directive (see section 5).

     - Make sure that the initial input file makes sense to the traced program 
       and triggers the instrumented functionality.

     - If any mentions of skipped function calls appear in the output of the
       fuzzer, Crank up the depth of instrumentation (-P parameter) to a higher

     - Crank up the intensity of fuzzing to get to other code locations: specify 
       -8, increase limits for -R, -S, -B, -C, and -O options.

  P: Bunny keeps finding tons of new call paths and there is no end in sight.

  S: Too much branching is undesirable, as it might compromise the coverage of
     performed tests. Try the following:

     - Adjust -M parameter to reduce the depth of instrumentation,

     - Ensure uniform testing space: use -q option to randomize queue processing,
       -k to skip sequential fuzzing rounds,

     - Run the application under bunny-trace and see if there are any recursive
       calls that do not serve an important function. If so, use "BunnySkip" to
       selectively disable instrumentation (see section 5).

     - If most of these are parameter-related variations, decrease -P to a very
       small value to rate-limit this aspect of exec path exploration, or -z to 
       inhibit it altogether.

  P: Fuzzing is very slow, and I'm getting bogus "timeout" crash reports.

  S: The traced application is painfully slow. Try the following:

     - Adjust -s and -x options to raise time quotas allotted to each run,

     - Reduce input file size (for example, use a 2x2 JPEG with no EXIF
       data or comments, instead of a 100k photo),

     - Reduce -R, -S, -B, -C, and -O option values to speed up fuzzing,
       consider using -k to disable most fuzzing rounds altogether,

     - Move the process to a faster machine.

     - Investigate how to speed up the traced application - enable 
       optimization, prelink, add code to bail out on known DoS conditions, 

  P: I want to trace a non-instrumented application.

  S: Use -d option, and be sure to crank up -R, -S, -B, and -C limits, possibly
     use -8 option - in this mode, Bunny will execute a single round of testing
     only, so get the best of it.

8. Limitations & known issues

  The approach implemented by Bunny will be ineffective against protocols that 
  implement very strong checksums or other constraints that are nearly 
  impossible to brute-force - although unlike traditional fuzzing, it should
  be reasonably effective against weak checksums.
  When operating on auto-instrumented C-function level, it is unlikely for 
  this or any other protocol-blind fuzzer to discover new non-trivial syntax 
  (such as an undocumented HTML tag or a complex protocol message) if it is not
  a part of the input file and cannot be gradually derived from it, unless you
  instrument functions such as strcmp(); but then again, bunny should be 
  remarkably more effective once such a syntax is accidentally stumbled upon.

  Known issues with the current code:

  - The only platforms known to work fine are Linux, *BSD, and Cygwin on IA32
    platforms. Support for 64-bit and other unix platforms is not confirmed. 
    There is no support for non-x86 architectures, although this requires very
    few tweaks to correct.

  - Multiple threads and processes are supported, and input will be collected
    from all threads and properly separated - but the trace continues only
    as long as the initial process is running, and only the initial process
    will be surveyed for SEGV and similar fault conditions. There is no easy
    way to intercept child process signals on Linux without resorting to
    dirty ptrace() tricks or signal handler injection.

  - The C parser and its hooks is not necessarily compatible with restricted
    dialects of C that do not implement C99 + GNU extensions. This is because
    the instrumentation code uses __attribute__ features to gain unobtrusive
    access to library functions and suppress certain warnings. Bunny-gcc will
    strip any flags that restrict the dialect of an input file, and this might
    have an adverse effect in some rare circumstances.

  - Bunny-exec registers call paths in the order of appearance, and can't
    recover cleanly from a situation where this changes randomly because of 
    scheduler decisions when multiple threads are spawned (nearly) at once.
    I see no easy way to solve this, and it might be not worth the effort.

  - On calls to longjmp or with newly spawned threads, the nesting level 
    reported by bunny-trace might be off. This does not affect the tracing

  - varargs are not supported, which limits the amount of data collected about
    some relatively rare internal functions (again, the overhead needed for
    handling this is considerable, and there seem to be no cases that would
    warrant it).
  - Every unique call path encountered (but *not* every unique parameter
    sequence) uses up several kilobytes of memory and is kept indefinitely
    in process address space. The record contains important calibration and
    effector data needed to properly handle revisits to that call path with
    new parameters, and cannot be simply deallocated. This is typically not
    a problem for short-run fuzzing, but when we enter the domain of billions
    of exec cycles, we might eventually hit the 2 GB limit. Storing older data
    on disk might be advisable.


a few fixes and improvements to bunny-the-fuzzer by Michal Zalewski (last released as v0.93 beta in May 2008)







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