REST and Websocket API bridge to AlephZero.
The following are javascript examples you can run from a serverless-webpage.
The default port is 24880
In all the examples below, we show all the available options.
The value on the right hand side of an option is the default.
If the value is marked as "..."
, that implies that there is no default and the value is required to be set.
fetch(`http://${api_addr}/api/pub`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
topic: "...", // required
packet: {
headers: [ // optional
["key", "val"],
payload: "...", // required
request_encoding: "none", // optional, one of "none", "base64"
.then((r) => { return r.text() })
.then((msg) => { console.assert(msg == "success", msg) })
ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${api_addr}/wsapi/sub`)
ws.onopen = () => {
topic: "...", // required
init: "AWAIT_NEW", // optional, one of "OLDEST", "MOST_RECENT", "AWAIT_NEW"
iter: "NEXT", // optional, one of "NEXT", "NEWEST"
response_encoding: "none", // optional, one of "none", "base64"
scheduler: "ON_DRAIN", // optional, one of "IMMEDIATE", "ON_ACK", "ON_DRAIN"
ws.onmessage = (evt) => {
... ...
fetch(`http://${api_addr}/api/rpc`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
topic: "...", // required
packet: {
headers: [ // optional
["key", "val"],
payload: "...", // required
request_encoding: "none", // optional, one of "none", "base64"
response_encoding: "none", // optional, one of "none", "base64"
.then((r) => { return r.text() })
.then((msg) => { console.log(msg) })
ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${api_addr}/wsapi/prpc`)
ws.onopen = () => {
topic: "...", // required
iter: "NEXT", // optional, one of "NEXT", "NEWEST"
request_encoding: "none", // optional, one of "none", "base64"
response_encoding: "none", // optional, one of "none", "base64"
scheduler: "ON_DRAIN", // optional, one of "IMMEDIATE", "ON_ACK", "ON_DRAIN"
ws.onmessage = (evt) => {
... ...
ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${api_addr}/wsapi/log`)
ws.onopen = () => {
topic: "...", // required
level: "INFO", // optional, one of "DBG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERR", "CRIT"
init: "AWAIT_NEW", // optional, one of "OLDEST", "MOST_RECENT", "AWAIT_NEW"
iter: "NEXT", // optional, one of "NEXT", "NEWEST"
response_encoding: "none", // optional, one of "none", "base64"
scheduler: "ON_DRAIN", // optional, one of "IMMEDIATE", "ON_ACK", "ON_DRAIN"
ws.onmessage = (evt) => {
... ...
ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${api_addr}/wsapi/discover`)
ws.onopen = () => {
protocol: "...", // required, one of "file", "pubsub", "rpc", "prpc", "log", "cfg"
topic: "**/*", // optional
scheduler: "ON_DRAIN", // optional, one of "IMMEDIATE", "ON_ACK", "ON_DRAIN"
ws.onmessage = (evt) => {
... ...
git clone
this repo and run:
make run
Or use a pre-compiled docker image:
docker run \
--rm -it \
--name=a0_api \
--ipc=host \
--pid=host \
-p 24880:24880 \