To add Vue JSX support.
English | 简体中文
Install the plugin with:
npm install @ant-design-vue/babel-plugin-jsx -D
Then add the plugin to .babelrc:
"plugins": ["@ant-design-vue/babel-plugin-jsx"]
Type: boolean
Default: false
transform on: { click: xx }
to onClick: xxx
Type: boolean
Default: false
enable optimization or not. It's not recommended to enable it If you are not familiar with Vue 3.
Type: (tag: string) => boolean
Default: undefined
configuring custom elements
functional component
const App = () => <div></div>;
with render
const App = {
render() {
return <div>Vue 3.0</div>;
const App = defineComponent(() => {
const count = ref(0);
const inc = () => {
return () => (
<div onClick={inc}>
import { withModifiers } from 'vue';
const App = () => {
const count = ref(0);
const inc = () => {
return () => (
<div onClick={withModifiers(inc, ['self'])}>
const App = () => (
const App = () => <input type="email" />;
with a dynamic binding:
const placeholderText = 'email';
const App = () => (
const App = {
data() {
return { visible: true };
render() {
return <input v-show={this.visible} />;
Note: You should pass the second param as string for using
<input v-model={val} />
<input v-model={[val, ['trim']]} />
<A v-model={[val, 'foo', ['bar']]} />
Will compile to:
h(A, {
'foo': val,
"fooModifiers": {
"bar": true
"onUpdate:foo": $event => val = $event
custom directive
const App = {
directives: { custom: customDirective },
setup() {
return () => (
v-custom={[val, 'arg', ['a', 'b']]}
const App = {
setup() {
const slots = {
default: () => <div>A</div>,
foo: () => <span>B</span>
return () => <A v-slots={slots} />;
Ant Design Vue |
Vant |
This repo is only compatible with:
- Babel 7+
- Vue 3+