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A workflow for generating SSL certificates for local development with CA root certificates


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SSL for local development

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A workflow for generating SSL certificates for local development with CA root certificates

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In this workflow we will generate a example certificate for the following dev-domains:

Like a standard symfony application (with and without www in front) and a phpMyAdmin instance for quick reviews in the database layer (https://mysql.symfony/)

1) Clone this repository in a new folder ("ssl" in this example)

git clone ssl

2) Generate the root certificate.

Here we generate our own CA! This root certificate is used to generate the SSL certificates. We will import these root certificate as a certificate authority in our browser, after that the browser will trust all of our certificates (generated with this CA) in the future.

Change directory to the repository folder

cd ssl

Generate your CA root certificate

openssl genrsa -des3 -out root/root.key 2048

remember the passphrase you entered here - we will need it in the next steps!

Now we got a new keyfile in the root directory of our repo called root.key

Generate the final root CA pem file

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key root/root.key -sha256 -days 1825 -out root/root.pem

Now we got a new keyfile in the root directory of our repo called root.pem. This pem file we will later import in our browsers.

3) Generate certificates for our applications by using the new CA root.

Generate the project keyfile

Again: in this example i will use http://symfony/ as hostname/domain. How the files are called dont matter, but i prefer to call them like the project itself:

openssl genrsa -out symfony.key 2048

Generate the project csr file

openssl req -new -key symfony.key -out symfony.csr

The console will prompt you for some infos. Please make sure that you insert your domain name in this section:

Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: symfony

Edit your host names

In the file config.template.ext insert your domains as dns alt names:

DNS.1 = www.symfony
DNS.2 = symfony
DNS.3 = mysql.symfony

Generate the final certificate file

No we will generate our certificate with our given root CA, our symfony.csr and the config template:

openssl x509 -req -in symfony.csr -CA root/root.pem -CAkey root/root.key -CAcreateserial \
-out symfony.crt -days 1825 -sha256 -extfile config.template.ext

That's it

No you should have a symfony.crt and a symfony.key file in the repository base directory. Those you can use in a nginx config:

ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/symfony.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/symfony.key;
server_tokens off;

or in a apache vhost:

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/symfony.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/symfony.key
SSLCompression Off
SSLHonorCipherOrder on

Make SSL working correctly

For getting a nice green lock in your browser (without confirmation of untrusted certificate) just import the root certificate in your browsers: (The root certificate is located under the root folder named root.pem)


Einstellungen --> Erweitert --> Zertifikate verwalten --> Zertifizierungsstellen --> Import der dmc.pem Datei


Bearbeiten --> Einstellungen --> Zertifikate (einfach in suche eingeben) --> Zertifikate anzeigen --> Zertifizierungsstellen --> Import der dmc.pem Datei

I'am german, sorry for that :P

Trust system-wide

Find the SSL certificates location for your OS, in Linux mostly: /etc/ssl/certs and copy your root certificate (pem file) in there. After that find the ca-certificates.crt file and add your root certificate to the file with:

tee -a ca-certificates.crt < certs/your_root_cert_name.pem


A workflow for generating SSL certificates for local development with CA root certificates








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