A repository for demonstrating some toy examples of Bayesian inference.
Python 2.7.15
- argparse 1.1
- numpy 1.15.2
- matplotlib 2.2.3
- datetime
- scipy 1.1.0
- pandas 0.23.4
- math
- python -i py/bernoulli_variable.py
- python -i py/multinomial_variable.py
- python -i py/gaussian_variable.py
- python -i py/poisson_variable.py
Use '-h' or '--help' for a full list of command line options for each script. Usually there will be an option for the parameter(s) of the true distribution, an option for the parameter(s) of the prior distribution, and an option for the number of data points to be sampled from the true distribution and used in the MAP estimation.
Prevent Gamma function overflow in gaussian_variable.py, extend multinomial_variable to more than three categories