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Orchestrate your Python tasks with Super Luigi. It simplifies remote data caching, task forcing, debugging and lineage tracking. You can level up Luigi with Super Luigi.

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Super Luigi

Super Luigi is a package for task orchestration in Python.

It's based on Luigi, which is also a package for task orchestration in Python similar in concept to Make, but Super Luigi offers a number of enhancements.

Luigi Benefits

Luigi is a great starting point for task orchestration and already has the following benefits:

  • A simple way to structure complex workflows
  • Just a Python package so is lightweight compared to infrastructure based solutions
  • Minimal boilerplate in code
  • Schedulers can run independent tasks in parallel
  • Central scheduler has UI for viewing task progress and task dependency graph
  • Works backwards through task dependency graph to create all dependencies
  • Won't re-run task if its outputs already exist

Overall Luigi gives an simple and efficient way to run complex task workflows.

Super Luigi Benefits

Super Luigi has all the benefits of Luigi, but additionally adds:

  • Task Forcing (i.e. option to re-run parts of the task graph)
  • Task Debugging (i.e. set breakpoints in task source code)
  • Task Hashes (i.e. unique yet re-creatable identifier for task)
  • Target Lineage Tracking (i.e. adds a lineage metadata file alongside all targets)
  • Local Syncing of Remote Targets (e.g. download/upload to/from S3 automatically)

Overall Super Luigi improves the developer experience and makes common tasks simpler.


  • pip install -e .

Getting Started

import pandas as pd
import joblib
from datetime import date

from superluigi.tasks import AtomicTaskWithMetadata
from superluigi.parameters import DateParameter, IntParameter
from superluigi.targets import S3ObjectTarget
from superluigi.task_runner import run_task

from ... import FeaturesTask, ModelTask

# define a task to make predictions for a given date and model version
class PredictionsTask(AtomicTaskWithMetadata):
    date = DateParameter()
    version = IntParameter()

    def requires(self):
        return {
            'features': FeaturesTask(, version=self.version),
            'model': ModelTask(version=self.version)
    def output(self):
        S3ObjectTarget will automatically upload to S3,
        but also keep the output cached locally, to avoid unnecessary downloads from S3.
        You can reference parameters and/or task_id (which is a unique hash of the task
        and its dependencies) in the path. Useful for when there are a large number of
        parameters and you don't want to add them all to the path.
        return S3ObjectTarget(

    def run(self, input_path, output_path, metadata):
        Contains logic to create the task output given the task inputs
        `input_path` are temporary paths that contain the output of the dependencies
        `output_path` is a temporary path where you should store the output
        `metadata` is a dictionary that contains useful task lineage metadata,
            but it can be added to if you want to add custom metadata. e.g. see `row_count`.
        df = pd.read_csv(input_path['features'])
        metadata["row_count"] = len(df)
        model = joblib.load(input_path['model'])
        preds = model.predict(df)

# specify which data and model version to use
task = PredictionsTask(date=date(2022, 12, 15), version=4)

# run the task to make the predictions
# if the model or features have already been created, they won't be re-run.
# will now have the following objects in `superluigi` S3 bucket from this task:
# `data/predictions/date=20211203/73a90acaae2b1ccc0e969709665bc62f.csv`
# `data/predictions/date=20211203/73a90acaae2b1ccc0e969709665bc62f.csv.metadata.json`

# won't run the task again if the output already exists.
# can force re-run of the task.
run_task(task, force=True)
# can force re-run of all tasks in the task graph.
run_task(task, force_upstream=True)
# can force re-run of certain branches of the task graph.
run_task(task, force_upstream_to_task_cls=FeaturesTask)

# can debug tasks by setting 'breakpoint on exception' with debugger and then using:
run_task(task, raise_exception=True)

See tutorial at tutorial/ for more details.

Starting a task from the command line

python src/superluigi/ \
    --task yourpackage.YourTask \
    --config-file yourpackage/dev.cfg

With the command line interface the task parameters should be provided in the config file.

Starting a task from code

from tcir_models.utils.tuigi.tutorial.tutorial_utils import FeaturesTask
from tcir_models.utils.tuigi.task_runner import run_task

if __name__ == "__main__":
    task = FeaturesTask(, version=42)
    path = run_task(task)

You can also provide a config file when running from code: run_task(task, config_file=path).

Central Scheduler

A local task scheduler will be used by default, but you can also start a centralized server for tracking and dependency graph visualization. You can start the server in the background using:

screen -S luigi_ui
mkdir -p ./tmp/luigi
luigid --pidfile ./tmp/luigi/pid --logdir ./tmp/luigi/logs/ --state-path ./tmp/luigi/state --port 8082
# Control + A then Control + D to detach from screen

You should then be able to access the server at http://localhost:8082.

And finally add the --central-scheduler flag to the command when starting tasks, or by setting central_scheduler=True when running a task from code using run_task.

You can stop the server using:

screen -list  # to find id
screen -r <id>.luigi_ui
# Control + C to stop server


Can't access Central Scheduler

  • Make sure you have forwarded the port if running on a remote server.

No module named '_sqlite3'

  • Install SQLite: sudo yum install sqlite-devel
  • Get Python version: python -c "import sys; print(sys.version_info)"
  • Re-install pyenv install <py-version> (e.g. 3.7.10)


  • Can occur when instanciating a task before the config has been loaded (assuming you have the parameters defined there).
  • You can pass a task class to the run_task methods, and then define the parameters for that task in config too.


Orchestrate your Python tasks with Super Luigi. It simplifies remote data caching, task forcing, debugging and lineage tracking. You can level up Luigi with Super Luigi.






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