.NET Library to interact with Fortnite/Epic Games' HTTP and XMPP services.
This library is not finished and can contain bugs/issues, if you found any bugs or issues. Please make an issue or send me a message on Discord. (Lmao#0001)
With the FortniteApiClientBuilder you can create an instance of the FortniteApi.
// Using the using directive so if the client is not used anymore it will kill the current session
// and shutdown the refresh access token scheduler.
using var client = new FortniteApiClientBuilder()
.WithDefaultClientToken(ClientToken.FortniteIosGameClient) // Default
.WithUserAgent("Not Fortnite/++Fortnite+Release-xx.x-CL-xxxxxx IOS/xx.x.x :)")
.WithPlatform(Platform.WIN) // Default, used for XMPP
.WithDevice("Account ID", "Device ID", "Secret")
.WithAutoRefresh(true) // This will start a scheduler to refresh the access token every x hours. This is disabled by default.
await client AuthenticateWithDeviceAsync(); // This will login with the device provided in the builder.
await client.StartRefreshScheduler(); If you want to use auto refresh, this needs to be called after authenticating.
// The other stuff is pretty much self explanatory.
- Chat
- Friends
- Parties
- Commands
- Services
- AccountPublicService
- PartyService (69%)
- FortniteService
- EventsService
- CodeRedemptionService
- ChannelsService
- CatalogService
- FriendsService
- FulfillmentService
- GroupsService
- InteractionsService
- LauncherService
- LibraryService
- LightswitchService
- LinksService
- PresenceService
- UserSearchService
- XMPP (Low priority)
- Connect
- Chat
- Friends
- Party
- Base
- Cosmetics
- MCP (Low priority)
- Raw
- Command Builder
Any type of contribution is very much appreciated!