Spring Boot Cloud Native Microservices Architecture
- Centralised spring cloud config-server
- Zuul api-gateway
- Eureka server for service discovery ***
Running the System
Run mvn clean compile package
on all the services
Start eureka-server --hit localhost:port in the browser to confirm server is up Ex: http://localhost:9090/
-Start config-service --hit localhost:post/.propertiesFileName/default to confirm the server is able to fetch from repo --ex: https://localhost:8091/application/default --here application is the name in which the .properties/.yml contents are stored -- default is the profile
-Start restuarant-springboot-service
-Start user-springboot-service
-Start zuul-gatewayproxy -- hit localhost:port/applicationName/followed by endpoint mentioned in the controller --ex: http://localhost:8092/application/home -- applicationName is mentioned in the application.properties
-check the eureka server dashboard to find all the services running