This repo contains programs to implement a multi-threaded TCP game called Nim
Hein Thu: NimClient, NimBoard, GameMatch (ClientListener is not needed because it is a turn-based game and the client only play one game at once)
Eila Eiroa: NimServer, ClientHandler
- handles the inputs of the client and prints out the board
- listens for client connections and creates a ClientHandler for each new client
- take a message from a player, make a move on the NimBoard, and send the resulting board to both players
- handles the Nim game and its rules
- groups up two clients and one nim game so that server can manage each game easier
- The Nim board will contain three heaps of three, four, and five virtual coins respectively.
- There are two players and each will take turn removing ANY amount of coins from a single heap.
- The person that makes the last move (removes the last coin) wins the game.
List of features implemented:
- The server can handle multiple games at once
- The client can choose to play again
List of unfinished features:
- An AI was too complicated to integrate into the game. (Had to change the entire to implement an AI)
- It is only one game instead of best of five
- The user cannot quit midgame
- Member variables: ArrayList<GameMatch> matches, boolean hasUnpairedPlayer, Socket player1, Socket player2, ServerSocket serverSoct, ClientHandler handler, String firPlayer, String secPlayer
- Assign default values:
- matches = new ArrayList<GameMatch>();
- hasUnpairedPlayer=false;
- player1= null;
- player2= null;
- firstPlayer= "";
- secondPlayer= "";
- Prints "Waiting for client connections on port 7654."
- Create ServerSocket(7654)
- Listening stage starting here will repeat forever until terminated by user
- Listen for client connections on that socket
- Assign the new client socket to player2
- Check if the socket already exist in the matches list. (use hasSocket(Socket soc) within a loop)
- if it is already in the list, start new thread of ClientHandler passing in Socket player2 and the matches list
- Else if hasUnpairedPlayer is false
- Check if the message starts with "HELLO "
- If false, continue (go to next loop)
- Send "100" back to player2
- Get username for firstPlayer
- print firstPlayer+" has connected."
- player1=player2
- hasUnpairedPlayer=true
- Else
- Check if the message starts with "HELLO "
- If false, continue (go to next loop)
- Get username for secondPlayer
- Send "200 "+firstPlayer to player2
- Send "200 "+secondPlayer to player1
- print firstPlayer+" was paired with "+secondPlayer+"."
- Create a new NimBoard called board
- Send board.toString() to player1
- Send board.toString() to player2
- Create a new GameMatch called match with player1, player2, and board
- Add match into matches list
- start new thread of ClientHandler passing in Socket player1 and the matches list
- run the thread
- Member variables: Socket sender, Socket receiver, NimBoard board, GameMatch match, ArrayList<GameMatch> matches
- Constructor: ClientHandler(Socket connectionSock, ArrayList<GameMatch> matches)
- sender=connectionSock
- this.matches=matches
- loop through matches to get a match that has Socket sender
- receiver=match.getOtherSocket()
- board= match.getBoard()
- run()
- create DataOutputStream clientOutput1 for Socket sender
- create DataOutputStream clientOutput2 for Socket receiver
- try
- print "Getting a move from "+sender+"."
- create BufferedReader clientInput from Socket sender
- takes in String input from clientInput
- print input
- convert input into int row
- takes in String input from clientInput again
- print input
- convert input into int count
- int result = board.makeChange(row,count)
- if result is 2
- print "Invalid move was made."
- convert result into a string and send it to clientOutput1
- also send board.toString() to clientOutput1
- if result is 0 or 1
- print "Updated the board according to the move."
- convert result into a string and send it to both clientOutput1 and clientOutput2
- also send board.toString() to both players
- if result is 1
- print sender+" had won the game."
- remove match from the matches list
- catch (Exception e)
- print "Error: "+e.toString();
- remove the match from matches
- Member variables: String rules, String myUsername, String opUsername, String serverReply, String userInput
- Asks user for server address (user can input nothing if the server is localhost)
- Establish a connection to the server.
- Prints out the rules of the game
- Asks the user to input a username to identify himself/herself
- Connects to the server by sending "HELLO [username]" and listen from server
- If server replies "100", print "Waiting for opponent...", wait for "200"
- If server replies "200 [opponent username]", print "You have been matched with [opponent username]."
- Take another reply and print it
- If "100" was ever received (the client is the first to connect), make the first move
- One move will have these steps:
- Prompt for row number
- Send row number to server
- Prompt for number of coins to remove
- Send count to server
- Listen from server
- If server reply "0"
- take second reply
- print it
- If server reply "1"
- take second reply
- print it
- print "Congratulation! You won the game."
- close the connection
- ask user if he wants to play again
- if yes, make new connection and repeat
- if no, end the client program
- If server reply "2"
- take second reply
- print it
- print "The move you made is invalid."
- repeat the entire move
- Print "Waiting for [opponent username]'s move..."
- Listen from server
- If server reply "0"
- take second reply
- print it
- repeat the entire move
- If server reply "1"
- take second reply
- print it
- print "Sorry, you lost the game..."
- ask user if he wants to play again
- if yes, make new connection and repeat the entire move
- if no, end the client program