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This is an React Unsplash accelerator

React-Unsplash streamlines the process of integrating an Unsplash photo library into your projects, allowing you to focus on developing the features that matter most.


npm i react-unsplash
yarn add react-unsplash
pnpm add react-unsplash

How to use

import ReactUnsplash from 'react-unsplash'
  cols={isMobile ? 2 : 3}


Name Value Default Required Description
displayMode normal | popup normal no While "popup" this component will be displayed in a pop-up modal
initValue string '' no Init value that will invoke onSearch|onCommit callbacks
onSearch (value: string) => void | undefined undefined no Callback function when input search changes
onCommit ((value: string) => void) | undefined undefined no Callback function when hitting enter
onSelect (image: any) => void yes Callback function when a photo is clicked
images any[] [] yes Should be Unsplash images object
loading boolean |undefined undefined no An indicator of loading state, when searching for photos
handleLoadMore (() => void) | undefined undefined no Callback function when the last image is scrolled into view
hasMore boolean | undefined undefined no If true, handleLoadMore will be fired when the last image is scrolled into view
open boolean | undefined undefined yes (only when displayMode is "popup") When true, the popup is shown
onClose (() => void) | undefined undefined yes (only when displayMode is "popup") Callback function when the popup is requested to close
width number | undefined undefined no Specify the width of the component
height number | undefined undefined no Specify the height of the component
cols number | undefined auto no Specify the number of images columns in the gallery
gap number | undefined 8(px) no Specify the gap between images