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5. Notification with Action

Elvin (Tharindu) Thudugala edited this page Jul 5, 2024 · 5 revisions

From version 7.0.0 and above

Register Categories with actions

Setup Categories at the beginning of the app


public static class MauiProgram
	public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
		var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
			.UseLocalNotification(config =>
                        	config.AddCategory(new NotificationCategory(NotificationCategoryType.Status)
                                	ActionList = new HashSet<NotificationAction>(new List<NotificationAction>()
                        			new NotificationAction(100)
                            				Title = "Hello",
                            				Android =
                                				LaunchAppWhenTapped = true,
                                				IconName =
                                    					ResourceName = "i2"
                                                        IOS =
                                                                Action = iOSActionType.Foreground
                        			new NotificationAction(101)
                            				Title = "Close",
                            				Android =
                                				LaunchAppWhenTapped = false,
                                				IconName =
                                    					ResourceName = "i3"
                                                        IOS =
                                                                Action = iOSActionType.Destructive
                return builder.Build();


 LocalNotificationCenter.Current.RegisterCategoryList(new HashSet<NotificationCategory>(new List<NotificationCategory>()
                new NotificationCategory(NotificationCategoryType.Status)
                    ActionList = new HashSet<NotificationAction>( new List<NotificationAction>()
                        new NotificationAction(100)
                            Title = "Hello",
                            iOSAction = iOSActionType.None
                        new NotificationAction(101)
                            Title = "Close",
                            iOSAction = iOSActionType.None

If Requesting Notification has CategoryType set to one of the Registered Category, the Notification will show the actions in that Category.

var request = new NotificationRequest
   NotificationId = 100,
   Title = "Test",
   Description = "Test Description",               
   CategoryType = NotificationCategoryType.Status,                

How to action on Notification action tap

NotificationCenter.Current.NotificationActionTapped += Current_NotificationActionTapped;

private void Current_NotificationActionTapped(NotificationActionEventArgs e)
            switch (e.ActionId)
                case 100:
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        DisplayAlert(e.Request.Title, "Hello Button was Tapped", "OK");

                case 101:


Android Notification Action


iOS Notification Action