K-9 Mail v6.400
What's Changed
- Added swipe actions to the message list screen (@cketti, @Alecaddd)
- Added support for swiping between messages (@andrewfg, @cketti)
- Added a monochromatic app icon for Android 13 (@Sandelinos)
- Fixed "K-9 Accounts" shortcuts (please remove existing shortcuts and add them again) (@cketti)
- Fixed error reporting for (old) send failures (@cketti)
- A lot of other bug fixes; see changes for versions 6.3xx (@rezazarchi, @Croydon, @AoEiuV020, @johnjohndoe, @PatrykMis, @cketti)
- Added Western Frisian translation and updated others (many volunteers via Transifex)
Full Changelog: 6.202...6.400