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OpenGCL is an open-source toolkit, which implements our modularized graph contrastive learning framework. Users can combine different encoders (with readout functions), discriminators, estimators and samplers by one command line, which helps them find well-performing combinations on different tasks and datasets.

Get started


Install the following packages beforehand:

  1. Python 3.7 or above;
  2. Pytorch 1.7.0 or above (follow installation guide here);
  3. Pytorch-geometric (follow installation guide here);
  4. Other requirements in requirements.txt.


For the simplest use of OpenGCL, you might want to reconstruct a baseline model under our framework. Make sure your working directory is OpenGCL/src. Try the following command as an example:

python -m opengcl --task node --dataset cora --enc gcn --dec inner --est jsd --sampler snr --output-dim 64  --hidden-size 2 --learning-rate 0.01 --epochs 500 --early-stopping 20 --patience 3 --clf-ratio 0.2

This trains a GAE model on Cora, and performs node classification.

The output should look like this:

[main] (2.2810919284820557s) Loading dataset...
[datasets] Loading Cora Dataset from root dir: .../OpenGCL/data/Cora
[datasets] Downloading dataloaders "Cora" from "".
[datasets] Files will be saved to "../data/Cora".
[downloader] Downloading
[downloader] Downloading
[datasets] Dataset successfully downloaded.
[datasets] This is a medium-sized sparse dataset with 1 graph, 2708 nodes and 10556 edges.
[main] (23.69194722175598s) Splitting dataset...
[main] (23.72783327102661s) Dataset loaded and split.
[main] (23.727877616882324s) Start building GCL framework...
[GCL] Building framework... done in 0.19335460662841797s.
[GCL] Start training for 500 epochs...
[GCL]   epoch 5: loss: 1.28604; time used = 1.39682936668396s
[GCL]   epoch 180: loss: 0.87510; time used = 0.9593579769134521s
[GCL] Early stopping condition satisfied. Abort training.
[GCL] Framework training finished in 37.25677442550659s.
[main] (61.178184032440186s) GCL framework built and trained.
[main] (61.17819690704346s) Start classification...
[main] (66.95774221420288s) Classification finished.
[main] F1-score: micro = 0.7563451776649746.

After the task is finished, you should be able to find a log file in OpenGCL/logs, named as YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS_X_cora_node.txt, which writes something similar to

python3 -m opengcl --task node --dataset cora --enc gcn --dec inner --est jsd --sampler snr --output-dim 64 --hidden-size 2 --learning-rate 0.01 --epochs 500 --early-stopping 20 --patience 3 --clf-ratio 0.2


In OpenGCL/src, run OpenGCL by the following command:

python -m opengcl --task TASK --dataset DATASET {MODULE_PARAMS} {HYPER_PARAMS}


{HYPER_PARAMS} := [--output-dim INTEGER] [--hidden-size INTEGER] [--dropout FLOAT] [--batch-size INTEGER] [--learning-rate FLOAT] [--epochs INTEGER] [--early-stopping INTEGER] [--patience INTEGER] [--clf-ratio FLOAT]

We will discuss each parameter in detail in the following subsections.


Choose one downstream task for GCL. Choose node for node classification, or graph for graph classification.


  • --task {node, graph}: two classification tasks


Choose one dataset for GCL. We provide 13 datasets, 5 of which are multi-graph, and 8 are single-graph datasets.


  • --task {cora, citeseer, pubmed, amazon_computers, amazon_photo, coauthor_cs, coauthor_phy, wikics}: single-graph datasets
  • --task {reddit_binary, imdb_binary, imdb_multi, mutag, ptc_mr}: multi-graph datasets.

Module parameters

Select encoder, decoder, estimator and sampler that make up the model.


Choose GNN encoders (gcn, gin and gat), MLP encoder (linear), or lookup table (none) for encoder.

Encoders are single or multiple consecutive layers that translate node features to node embedding vectors. Lookup table, of course, has only one layer.

  • --enc {gcn, gin, gat, linear, none}
Related parameters
  • --output-dim: output dimension of each layer.
  • --hidden-size: number of hidden layers. Total layer number should be HIDDEN_SIZE + 1. The dimensions of the input layer is (feature_dim, output_dim), while all the following layers have dimensions (output_dim, output_dim).


To get graph embedding, node vectors should bypass a readout function. Choose from sum pooling, mean pooling or jk-net.

  • [--readout {sum, mean, jk-net}]
  • Optional; not needed (ignored) on some occasions. The default value is mean.
Related parameters
  • --task: for graph classification, a readout function is needed to get graph embeddings.
  • --sampler: for samplers that require global view, graph embeddings are needed.


Choose one discriminator from inner product (inner), bilinear product (bilinear).

Discriminators calculate likelihood for sample pairs.

  • --dec {inner, bilinear}


Choose one estimator from Jensen-Shannon Divergence (jsd) or InfoNCE (nce) loss.

Estimators calculate loss for likelihood scores of (anchor, positive) and (anchor, negative) pairs.

  • --est {jsd, nce}


Choose from single-view samplers (s_ samplers) and multi-view samplers (dgi, mvgrl, gca, graphcl).

Samplers are described as below. Views of (anchors - context samples) are listed in 'View(s)'.

Sampler Source Description View(s)
snr LINE, GAE anc, pos: neighbors; neg: random sample single; local-local
srr DeepWalk anc, pos: random walk; neg: random sample single; local-local
dgi DGI, InfoGraph anc: graph G; pos: nodes in G; neg: nodes in other graphs multi; global-local
mvgrl MVGRL anc: graph; pos: nodes in G diffused; neg: nodes in other diffused graphs multi; global-local; augmentative
gca GCA two augmentations G1, G2; anc, pos: corresponding nodes in G1, G2; neg: all other nodes multi; local-local; augmentative
graphcl GraphCL two augmentations G1, G2; anc, pos: G1, G2; neg: another graph multi; global-global; augmentative
  • --sampler {snr, srr, dgi, mvgrl, gca, graphcl}


Hyperparameters are structural or training parameters of the model or training process. These are optional parameters; default values are given. We list the hyperparameters, their meanings, type, range and default values in the following table.

Parameter Meaning Type Range Default
--output-dim output dimension of embeddings structural positive integer 64
--hidden-size number of hidden layers structural natural number 0
--dropout dropout factor while training training float in [0, 1) 0.
--batch-size number of samples in each batch training positive integer 4096
--learning-rate learning rate training positive float 0.01
--epochs number of training epochs training natural number 500
--early-stopping minimum epoch for early stopping training natural number 20
--patience early stop after PATIENCE epochs of consecutive loss growth training natural number 3
--clf-ratio ratio of dataset used to train classifier training float in (0, 1) 0.5


We list example commands of baseline models here. We use Cora for node classification and MUTAG for graph classification.

Name Task Command
GAE node python -m opengcl --task node --dataset cora --enc gcn --dec inner --est jsd --sampler snr --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.2
GCA node python -m opengcl --task node --dataset cora --enc gcn --dec inner --est nce --sampler gca --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.2
DGI node python -m opengcl --task node --dataset cora --enc gcn --readout mean --dec bilinear --est jsd --sampler dgi --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.2
DGI graph python -m opengcl --task graph --dataset mutag --enc gcn --readout mean --dec bilinear --est jsd --sampler dgi --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.8
MVGRL node python -m opengcl --task node --dataset cora --enc gcn --readout sum --dec inner --est jsd --sampler mvgrl --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.2
MVGRL graph python -m opengcl --task graph --dataset mutag --enc gcn --readout sum --dec inner --est jsd --sampler mvgrl --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.8
InfoGraph graph python -m opengcl --task graph --dataset mutag --enc gin --readout sum --dec inner --est jsd --sampler dgi --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.8
GraphCL graph python -m opengcl --task graph --dataset mutag --enc gin --readout sum --dec inner --est nce --sampler graphcl --epochs 500 --clf-ratio 0.8


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