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A HTML5 Bomberman clone using:
- node.js
- Backbone + Underscore
- jQuery
- CSS3 (via Compass + Sass)
It started as a small project to help me learn the fore mentioned technologies, but in the end it turned out to be loads of fun.
I'm not proud of the code, like I said, it was just a sandbox to try things, but I believe it could be a starting point for others trying to use the above mentioned technologies.
If you've spotted something that stinks really bad, please, drop me a patch on how to do it better! I'm sure I've misunderstood some basic concepts, but hey, at least something is working. ;)
Download the node.js dependencies:
npm update
Download and install compass.
gem update --system gem install compass
Compile sass to css
compass compile web/
Start the node server.
node dev-server.js
Open a browser to
and enjoy!