This repository contains the models and code used to develop the GEDI WSCI data product (de Conto et al. 2024).
The scripts provided here enable performing 2 tasks:
- (R) Calculate the 3D Canopy Entropy (CExyz) (Liu et al. 2022) from LiDAR point cloud samples.
- (python) Apply the WSCI models to a set of RH metrics.
All software versions listed in this repository were used for developing and testing the scripts.
The R packages necessary to run the als_ce_xyz.R
tool are listed in the r_session.txt
This code was originally used to extract CExyz measures from Airborle laser Scanning (ALS) data matched to GEDI footprints - same location and size (25m diameter plots).
Rscript als_ce_xyz.R
[-[-help|h]] print help
[-[-input|i] <character>] path with point cloud LiDAR files (las/laz)
[-[-output|o] <character>] path to write structural complexity metrics - a directory when processing wall-to-wall <w2w> or a geospatial vector format otherwie (gpkg, shp, geojson etc.)
[-[-plots_path|f] <character>] (optional) input file with plot locations (e.g. GEDI footprints) in geospatial vector format (gpkg, shp, geojson etc.)
[-[-n_plots|n] <integer>] (optional) if no input plot locations are provided, how many random samples to draw? [default = 100]
[-[-plot_size|s] <integer>] (optional) plot diameter, in point cloud units [default = 25]
[-[-gridded|g]] (optional) sample from a regular grid instead of randomly
[-[-w2w|w]] (optional) wall-to-wall processing - calculate metrics for all pixels at <plot_size> resolution
[-[-las_epsg|e] <integer>] (optional) EPSG code of input LiDAR point clouds, if not encoded in the las/laz file
[-[-voxel|v] <double>] (optional) voxel size flter to apply to LiDAR files before processing
[-[-cores|c] <integer>] (optional) number of CPU cores to use
column | dtype | description | |
0 | XY | float | horizontal entropy component |
1 | XZ | float | vertical entropy component |
2 | YZ | float | vertical entropy component |
3 | XYZ | float | 3D canopy entropy |
4 | p | float | p value from Mann-Kendall trend test |
5 | vox | float | voxel size |
When processing wall-to-wall (w2w
) generates raster files with bands corresponding to the metrics in column
The python libraries necessary to run the WSCI models are listed in the python_requirements.txt
This code was originally used to generate WSCI estimates from GEDI RH metrics extracted from the L2A product (Dubayah et al. 2020) at different Plant Functional Types (PFTs). [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT [-p PFT] [-r RH_COLS] [-x INDEX [INDEX ...]]
Apply Waveform Structural Complexity (WSCI) model to input RH metrics
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
input RH metrics [cm] as columns (from 0 to 100)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file
-p PFT, --pft PFT PFT code or column name
-r RH_COLS, --rh-cols RH_COLS
string pattern to select RH columns
-x INDEX [INDEX ...], --index INDEX [INDEX ...]
columns to copy from input file into the output
codes used to call different WSCI models are listed below:
PFT | short name | long name |
1 | ENT | Evergreen Needleaf Trees |
2 | EBT | Evergreen Broadleaf Trees |
4 | DBT | Deciduous Broadleaf Trees |
5 | G | Grassland |
6 | S | Shrubland |
11 | W | Woodland |
-1 | - | Other |
column | dtype | description | |
0 | wsci | float | Waveform Structural Complexity Index estimate |
1 | wsci_pi | float | WSCI prediction interval at 95% probability |
2 | wsci_xy | float | Estimated horizontal complexity component |
3 | wsci_xy_pi | float | Horizontal component prediction interval at 95% probability |
4 | wsci_z | float | Estimated vertical complexity |
5 | wsci_z_pi | float | Vertical component prediction interval at 95% probability |
de Conto, T., Armston, J. & Dubayah, R. Characterizing the structural complexity of the Earth’s forests with spaceborne lidar. Nat Commun 15, 8116 (2024).
de Conto, T., Armston, J. & Dubayah, R. O. Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)GEDI L4C Footprint Level Waveform Structural Complexity Index, Version 2 (2024).
Dubayah, R. et al. GEDI L2A Elevation and Height Metrics Data Global Footprint Level V002. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (2021).
Liu, X. et al. A novel entropy-based method to quantify forest canopy structural complexity from multiplatform lidar point clouds. Remote Sensing of Environment 282, 113280 (2022).