A Rest api for finding pokémons!
Uses the pokéapi to find pokémons, caching the resources as needed to abide by its fair use policy.
You can check the API documentation and test the endpoints here
You will need to have the JDK and leiningen installed to build and run this application.
The api supports two media types application/json
and application/vnd.api+json
You should provide the Accept
http header to indicate what you want to use.
Search for dragonite using application/json
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" "https://clj-pokesearch.herokuapp.com/api/dragonite"
Search for pikachu using application/vnd.api+json
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json" "https://clj-pokesearch.herokuapp.com/api/pikachu"
lein ring server
or lein run
During development is better to use lein ring server
because it supports
lein test
will run the test suite once and exit.
lein test-refresh
will run the test suite every time a file changes or every time you hit enter on the console.
lein do clean, uberjar
java -jar target/server.jar