For someone who has a social media startup, it is an API for their social network using a NoSQL database. This will allow the website to handle large amounts of unstructured data.
- User should clone this repository from GitHub.
- This application requires NoSQL, Express, MongoDB database, Mongoose, and Nodemon.
- Run npm
to install dependencies. - Start the application by running nmp start.
- A user can utilize this API to create a new user with a valid username and email, add other users as friends, post "thoughts" as well as "reactions" to thoughts, update and delete thoughts and reactions, and delete friends.
- Once you start up the application, the server will be started and the Mongose models will sync to the MongoDB database.
- When you open
routes in Insomnia for the users and thoughts, the data for each of the routes will be displayed in a formatted JSON. - When you test
routes in Insomnia, you will be able to create, update, and delete users and thoughts in your database. - When you test
routes in Insomnia, you are able to create and delete reactions to thoughts and remove friiends to a user's friend list.
To contribute to this application: Please email the author for guidelines.
If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact me directly at You can find more of my work at