A simple calculator using HTML, CSS & Javascript
This is a simple calculator functionality achieved using Javascript. The logic is very simple (you can also try it 😅) with the less lines of code possible . Feel free to check out the code and don't forget to star the repository.⭐
- Download the entire repository.
- Open up the index.html or Run LocalHost:3000 on VsCode.
- CSS [for style/Presentation]
- Javascript [for Logic/Working of calculator]
Issued to Tidke Ashok
| All Rights Reserved | 2023
A simple calculator made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to perform basic mathematical operations with an appealing and responsive UI.
Can be controlled using either mouse / touchscreen or by using the keyboard pressing the corresponding keys.
Decimal point can be inserted using both comma or dot key on the keyboard.
Backspace deletes last digit.
By keep pressing the equal operator will recalculate result based on the last operation.
Last operation will show up above the input box every time any of the operators is selected.