To really understand how signals work, I implemented them from scratch.
Real implementations are more complex. They cover more edge cases and include both more features and optimizations.
My learnings from building Jotai from scratch did translate into this implementation nicely which felt good lol
A quick snippet into what I've implemented:
const count = signal(0); // 📟
const doubled = computed(() => {
console.log("Computing doubled..."); // 🔄
return count.get() * 2;
// Runs on initial render and when every signal inside of it changes
effect(() => {
console.log(`Count: ${count.get()} 🔢`);
console.log(`Doubled: ${doubled()} ️`);
return () => console.log("Cleanup! 🧹");
doubled(); // Cached! No 'Computing doubled...' log 🎯
count.set(1); // Triggers effect & recomputes doubled
doubled(); // Still cached because already in effect! 🚀
let animationFrameId = null;
const effectQueue = new Set();
function queueEffect(runEffect) {
if (!animationFrameId) {
animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const effects = Array.from(effectQueue);
animationFrameId = null;
effects.forEach((fn) => fn());
WHY: Batching effects is important for DOM updates especially. Because we can batch and have effects actually run during paint instead of causing multiple reflows (needing to calculate layout).
function effect(fn, errorHandler) {
const runEffect = () => {
try {
cleanup = fn();
} catch (error) {
if (errorHandler) errorHandler(error);
else console.error("Effect Error:", error);
WHY: Effects failing silently can lead to hard-to-debug issues. Having proper error handling helps knowing what's wrong and fixing it. Or showing a fallback UI.
function signal(initialValue) {
let initialized = false;
let value;
return {
get() {
if (!initialized) {
value =
typeof initialValue === "function" ? initialValue() : initialValue;
initialized = true;
return value;
In hindsight, it'd be cleaner having this a complete different primitive. An optional lazy
flag on the signal can work but quickly becomes messy as you start adding more and more flags.
WHY: Expensive initial values (like heavy computations) shouldn't run until the signal is actually used. This improves startup performance.