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ManageBac GPA Scraper

Scrape grades, calculate GPA, and export into Excel!

This Python script automates the process of navigating to each ManageBac class, copying the overall grade, and calculating the GPA manually. This highly customizable script provides a quick way to track your academic progress, and provides valuable insights on how to improve your grade.


  • Automated MB Grade Scraping: Simply pass your cookie value into the config.toml file, and the script will automatically scrape grades.
  • GPA Calculation: Unweighted GPA is calculated automatically
  • Excel Export: All data is exported into an Excel file, providing an easy way to view your progress.


Linux & macOS:

git clone
cd ManageBac-GPA-Scraper
pip install -r requirements.txt



Untested as I do not own a Windows machine. PRs welcome!

git clone
cd ManageBac-GPA-Scraper
pip install -r requirements.txt

Fill the config.toml file with your preferences.


You may be confused by what to put in mb_cookie. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Head to your school's MB portal and login if necessary.
  2. Open DevTools (Usually F12)
  3. At the top of the window that just popped up, click Storage (it may be hidden behind the double chevrolets)
  4. Under Cookies, click your school's MB domain
  5. Double click the string of characters to the right of _managebac_session and copy the highlighted text
  6. Paste that inside of the double quotes in config.toml

How to get cookie How to correctly paste cookie


After configuring config.toml, simply run



Some Linux or macOS users may need to use python3 instead of python.

Keep in mind that the ManageBac cookies expire after some time, so if the script fails, follow these instructions again.


MIT License - Copyright (c) 2024 tigeryfan