This project was born from real production kneed!
I had a project written in Python and Some GO
, and for frontend I wanted to use React.js, but
anyone who are developing in React.js knows that Server Side Rendering
is super important for frontend applications int terms of
performance and SEO. So I've started investigating is there any rendering platform for React.js for Python or Go. I found few ones, but
the problem is that solutions using some embed JS engine du do rendering process, which completely non efficient and is very very buggy.
So the main idea is to provide Proxy Rendering with Cahing
, so that you need only make a POST request with rendering parameters
and separate rendering process will do that work, and you will get rendered HTML as a string response. So that you can then include that string
inside your static template on the fly.
npm i -g proxy-render
This will install package globally and now you will have access to command line executable called pxrender
~$ pxrender --help
Usage: pxrender [options] <directory entry point>
By providing entry directory rendering server can find requested JSX file by URL path/name
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --port <n> Define Server Port for starting proxy rendering server
-R, --release Run rendering in release mode, which means server will make a caching and a lot more!
-w, --watch Watch for file changes for hot reloading rendering process during development
To start Proxy Rendering server
you just need to provide base path for your JSX
Take a loop on example-front
directory which you can start serving by running this command
~$ pxrender -p 3000 ./example-front
For getting rendered HTML you need to send POST request
to rendering server where Request Body Fileds
would be
passed as a Props
for specified React Component.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"test request"}' http://localhost:3000/app.jsx
Check out Python implementation of basic Proxy Render API call
. It is actually a POST request with JSON encoded body as a React Props
So now we can just call this Python function from our code and receive rendered HTML from React Templates.
raw_html = get_html('app.jsx', {'name': 'test request from Python'})
This helps keep frontend and backend code completely separate and in a different repositories for better code management and technology preference.
If you fill uncomfortable with API, you have suggestion or you found a bug, feel free to open an issue or send me a pull request, I would love to help.