ASN1Swift provides a transparent interface to decode ASN.1 data structures. The ASN.1 Data Structure must be encoded using BER/DER Encoding Rules. To simplify encoding and decoding process ASN1Swift implement Encoder/Decoder protocol provided by swift foundation. In other words it works preciesly the same as JSONEncoder/JSONDecoder.
To integrate ASN1Swift into your project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
platform :ios, '13.0'
target 'YOUR_TARGET' do
pod 'ASN1Swift'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
In any swift file you'd like to use ASN1Swift, import the framework with import ASN1Swift
To integrate using Apple's Swift package manager, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .branch("master"))
Then, specify "ASN1Swift"
as a dependency of the Target in which you wish to use ASN1Swift.
Lastly, run the following command:
swift package update
Make the following entry in your Cartfile:
github "tikhop/ASN1Swift"
Then run carthage update
If this is your first time using Carthage in the project, you'll need to go through some additional steps as explained over at Carthage.
- iOS 12.0+ / OSX 10.13+
- Swift 5.9+
let asn1Decoder = ASN1Decoder()
let r = try! asn1Decoder.decode(Receipt.self, from: Data(...))
struct Receipt: ASN1Decodable
static var template: ASN1Template
return ASN1Template.universal(16).constructed()
var oid: ASN1SkippedField
var signedData: SignedData
enum CodingKeys: ASN1CodingKey
case oid
case signedData
var template: ASN1Template
switch self
case .oid:
return .universal(ASN1Identifier.Tag.objectIdentifier)
case .signedData:
return SignedData.template
Library | Decoding Time |
ASN1Swift | 0.154 seconds |
filom/ASN1Decoder | 1.032 seconds |
asn1c | ??? |
mrdepth/ASN1Decoder | ??? |
ASN1Swift is released under a BSD-3-Clause. See LICENSE for more information.