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Linux configuration files



  • arch
  • urxvt
  • tmux
  • neovim + gruvbox
  • zsh
  • geometry theme for zsh : theme repo
  • zsh-async : repo
  • fuzzy finder: fzf
  • tldr-pages: bash
  • rofi : git repo
  • i3lock-fancy : repo
  • i3-gaps / i3wm : website
  • polybar
  • ranger & thunar for file management
  • sxhkd for wm independent keybindings
  • nitrogen for wallpapers
  • zathura for pdfs
  • yay for AUR packages
  • flameshot for screenshots
  • See packages.list (pacman -Qqe)
  • bluetooth.service for asus t300 chi - keyboard settings
  • konsole with dark-pastels
  • vim - use haskell-vim-now + additional keymaps
  • userChrome for hidden firefox bar
  • mozilla vimperator : official website


  • picom for transparency
  • the_silver_searcher for ag
  • noto-fonts-emoji, hack nerd font, siji
  • light or xbacklight for brightess controll

Nvidia optimus

  • add bumblebee repo.
  • rpm -i last nvidia cuda-downloads
  • in bumblebee, bbswitch, cuda-{9-1:last-version}, ignore devidps
  • add user to video, bumblebee groups
  • block nouveau:
echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf
  • set bumblebee Driver=nvidia: /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf
  • enable and start bumblebeed.service

additional: install primus and see

nvidia settings: optirun nvidia-settings -c :8

Check nvidia

lsmod | grep bb should show bbswitch

lsmod | grep nouveau should show nothing

lsmod | grep nvidia should show nothing directly after reboot

cat /proc/acpi/bbswitch should show OFF while no application is using the Nvidia GPU and ON otherwise

optirun glspheres should run sample