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This adds a lot of exports, but the analysis of the callees and callers at breaks
in inference chains is fairly complicated. These utilities streamline the analysis.
  • Loading branch information
timholy committed Nov 27, 2020
1 parent cc016af commit 197cab4
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Showing 3 changed files with 364 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/SnoopCompile.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using SnoopCompileCore
export @snoopc
isdefined(SnoopCompileCore, Symbol("@snoopi")) && export @snoopi
if isdefined(SnoopCompileCore, Symbol("@snoopi_deep"))
export @snoopi_deep, flamegraph, flatten_times
export @snoopi_deep, flamegraph, flatten_times, inference_breaks, accumulate_by_callsite, collect_callerinstances, callingframe
if isdefined(SnoopCompileCore, Symbol("@snoopr"))
export @snoopr, uinvalidated, invalidation_trees, filtermod, findcaller, ascend
Expand Down
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions src/parcel_snoopi_deep.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ using Core.Compiler.Timings: Timing

const flamegraph = FlameGraphs.flamegraph # For re-export

# Record instruction pointers we've already looked up (performance optimization)
const lookups = Dict{Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Core.Compiler.InterpreterIP}, Vector{StackTraces.StackFrame}}()

flatten_times(timing::Core.Compiler.Timings.Timing; tmin_secs = 0.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,6 +48,335 @@ function build_inclusive_times(t::Timing)
return InclusiveTiming(t.mi_info, incl_time, t.start_time, child_times)

InferenceBreak(it::InclusiveTiming, st::Vector{StackFrame}, stidx::Int, bt)
Store data about a "break" in inference, a fresh entry into inference via a call dispatched at runtime.
`it` measures the inclusive inference time, `st` is conceptually the stackframe of the call that was made by runtime dispatch;
it's a `Vector{StackFrame}` due to the possibility that the caller was inlined into something else, in which case the first entry
is the inlined caller and the last entry is the method into which it was ultimately inlined. `stidx` is the index in `bt`, the
backtrace collected upon entry into inference, corresponding to `st`.
struct InferenceBreak
stidx::Int # st = StackTraces.lookup(bt[stidx])
bt::Vector{Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Core.Compiler.InterpreterIP}}

function, ib::InferenceBreak)
sf = first(
print(io, "Inference break costing ")
printstyled(io,^9; color=:yellow)
print(io, "s: dispatch ",, " from ")
printstyled(io, sf.func; bold=true)
print(io, " at ")
printstyled(io, sf.file, ':', sf.line; color=:blue)

inclusive_time(ib::InferenceBreak) = inclusive_time(

# Select the next (caller) frame that's a Julia (as opposed to C) frame; returns the stackframe and its index in bt, or nothing
function next_julia_frame(bt, idx)
while idx < length(bt)
ip = bt[idx+=1]
sfs = get!(()->Base.StackTraces.lookup(ip), lookups, ip)
sf = sfs[end]
sf.from_c && continue
mi = sf.linfo
isa(mi, Core.MethodInstance) || continue
m = mi.def
isa(m, Method) || continue
m.module === Core.Compiler && continue
return sfs, idx
return nothing

ibs = inference_breaks(t::Timing, [tinc::InclusiveTiming=build_inclusive_times(t)]; exclude_toplevel=true)
Collect the "breaks" in inference, each a fresh entry into inference via a call dispatched at runtime.
All the entries in `ibs` are previously uninferred, or are freshly-inferred for specific constant inputs.
The cost of each break is quoted as the *inclusive* time, meaning the time for this entire entrance to inference
(the direct callee and all of its inferrable calls).
`exclude_toplevel` determines whether calls made from the REPL, `include`, or test suites are excluded.
# Example
In a fresh Julia session, `sqrt(::Int)` has not been inferred:
julia> using SnoopCompile, MethodAnalysis
julia> methodinstance(sqrt, (Int,))
However, if we do the following,
julia> c = (1, 2)
(1, 2)
julia> tinf = @snoopi_deep map(sqrt, c);
julia> ibs = inference_breaks(tinf)
we get no output. Let's see them all:
julia> ibs = inference_breaks(tinf; exclude_toplevel=false)
1-element Vector{SnoopCompile.InferenceBreak}:
Inference break costing 0.000706839s: dispatch MethodInstance for map(::typeof(sqrt), ::Tuple{Int64, Int64}) from eval at ./boot.jl:360
This output indicates that `map(::typeof(sqrt), ::Tuple{Int64, Int64})` was runtime-dispatched as a call from `eval`, and that the cost
of inferring it and all of its callees was about 0.7ms. `sqrt(::Int)` does not appear because it was inferred from `map`:
julia> mi = methodinstance(sqrt, (Int,)) # now this is an inferred MethodInstance
MethodInstance for sqrt(::Int64)
julia> terminal_backedges(mi)
1-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
MethodInstance for map(::typeof(sqrt), ::Tuple{Int64, Int64})
If we change `c` to a `Vector{Int}`, we get more examples of runtime dispatch:
julia> c = [1, 2];
julia> tinf = @snoopi_deep map(sqrt, c);
julia> ibs = inference_breaks(tinf)
2-element Vector{SnoopCompile.InferenceBreak}:
Inference break costing 0.000656328s: dispatch MethodInstance for Base.Generator(::typeof(sqrt), ::Vector{Int64}) from map at ./abstractarray.jl:2282
Inference break costing 0.0196351s: dispatch MethodInstance for collect_similar(::Vector{Int64}, ::Base.Generator{Vector{Int64}, typeof(sqrt)}) from map at ./abstractarray.jl:2282
These are not inferrable from `map` because `map(f, ::AbstractArray)` does not specialize on `f`, whereas it does for tuples.
function inference_breaks(t::Timing, tinc::InclusiveTiming=build_inclusive_times(t); exclude_toplevel::Bool=true)
function first_julia_frame(bt)
ret = next_julia_frame(bt, 1)
if ret === nothing
error("failed to find a Julia frame")
return ret

breaks = map(t.children, tinc.children) do tc, tic
InferenceBreak(tic, first_julia_frame(,
if exclude_toplevel
breaks = filter(maybe_internal, breaks)
return sort(breaks; by = inclusive_time)

const rextest = r"stdlib.*Test.jl$"
function maybe_internal(ib::InferenceBreak)
for sf in
linfo = sf.linfo
if isa(linfo, Core.MethodInstance)
m = linfo.def
if isa(m, Method)
m.module === Base && === :include_string && return false === :eval && return false
match(rextest, string(sf.file)) !== nothing && return false
return true

ibcaller = callingframe(ib::InferenceBreak)
"Step out" one layer, returning data on the caller triggering `ib`.
# Example
julia> mymap(f, container) = map(f, container)
mymap (generic function with 1 method)
julia> container = [1 2 3]
1×3 Matrix{Int64}:
1 2 3
julia> mymap(identity, container)
1×3 Matrix{Int64}:
1 2 3
julia> tinf = @snoopi_deep mymap(x->x^2, container);
# The breaks in inference (here because this function wasn't called previously) are attributed to `map`
julia> ibs = inference_breaks(tinf)
2-element Vector{SnoopCompile.InferenceBreak}:
Inference break costing 0.000351368s: dispatch MethodInstance for Base.Generator(::var"#5#6", ::Matrix{Int64}) from map at ./abstractarray.jl:2282
Inference break costing 0.004153674s: dispatch MethodInstance for collect_similar(::Matrix{Int64}, ::Base.Generator{Matrix{Int64}, var"#5#6"}) from map at ./abstractarray.jl:2282
# But we can see that `map` was called by `mymap`:
julia> callingframe.(ibs)
2-element Vector{SnoopCompile.InferenceBreak}:
Inference break costing 0.000351368s: dispatch MethodInstance for Base.Generator(::var"#5#6", ::Matrix{Int64}) from mymap at ./REPL[2]:1
Inference break costing 0.004153674s: dispatch MethodInstance for collect_similar(::Matrix{Int64}, ::Base.Generator{Matrix{Int64}, var"#5#6"}) from mymap at ./REPL[2]:1
function callingframe(ib::InferenceBreak)
idx = ib.stidx
if idx < length(
ret = next_julia_frame(, idx)
if ret !== nothing
return InferenceBreak(, ret...,
return ib

struct Location # a portion of a StackFrame, plus total time
Location(ib::InferenceBreak) = (sf =[1]; Location(sf.func, sf.file, sf.line)), loc::Location) = print(io, loc.func, " at ", loc.file, ':', loc.line)

struct LocationBreaks
end, locbs::LocationBreaks) = print(io, locbs.loc, " (", length(locbs.ibs), " instances)")

libs = accumulate_by_callsite(ibs::AbstractVector{InferenceBreak})
Aggregate inference breaks by location (function, file, and line number) of the caller.
The reported time is the time of all instances.
# Example
julia> c = Any[1, 1.0, 0x01, Float16(1)];
julia> tinf = @snoopi_deep map(sqrt, c);
julia> ibs = inference_breaks(tinf)
9-element Vector{SnoopCompile.InferenceBreak}:
Inference break costing 0.000243905s: dispatch MethodInstance for sqrt(::Int64) from iterate at ./generator.jl:47
Inference break costing 0.000259601s: dispatch MethodInstance for sqrt(::UInt8) from iterate at ./generator.jl:47
Inference break costing 0.000353063s: dispatch MethodInstance for Base.Generator(::typeof(sqrt), ::Vector{Any}) from map at ./abstractarray.jl:2282
Inference break costing 0.000411542s: dispatch MethodInstance for _similar_for(::Vector{Any}, ::Type{Float64}, ::Base.Generator{Vector{Any}, typeof(sqrt)}, ::Base.HasShape{1}) from _collect at ./array.jl:682
Inference break costing 0.000568054s: dispatch MethodInstance for sqrt(::Float16) from iterate at ./generator.jl:47
Inference break costing 0.002503302s: dispatch MethodInstance for collect_to_with_first!(::Vector{Float64}, ::Float64, ::Base.Generator{Vector{Any}, typeof(sqrt)}, ::Int64) from _collect at ./array.jl:682
Inference break costing 0.002741125s: dispatch MethodInstance for collect_to!(::Vector{AbstractFloat}, ::Base.Generator{Vector{Any}, typeof(sqrt)}, ::Int64, ::Int64) from collect_to! at ./array.jl:718
Inference break costing 0.003836296s: dispatch MethodInstance for collect_similar(::Vector{Any}, ::Base.Generator{Vector{Any}, typeof(sqrt)}) from map at ./abstractarray.jl:2282
Inference break costing 0.010411171s: dispatch MethodInstance for setindex_widen_up_to(::Vector{Float64}, ::Float16, ::Int64) from collect_to! at ./array.jl:717
julia> libs = accumulate_by_callsite(ibs)
5-element Vector{Pair{Float64, SnoopCompile.LocationBreaks}}:
0.00107156 => iterate at ./generator.jl:47 (3 instances)
0.002741125 => collect_to! at ./array.jl:718 (1 instances)
0.0029148439999999998 => _collect at ./array.jl:682 (2 instances)
0.004189359 => map at ./abstractarray.jl:2282 (2 instances)
0.010411171 => collect_to! at ./array.jl:717 (1 instances)
`iterate` accounted for 3 inference breaks, yet the aggregate cost of these was still dwarfed by one made from `collect_to!`.
Let's see what this call was:
julia> libs[end][2].ibs
1-element Vector{SnoopCompile.InferenceBreak}:
Inference break costing 0.010411171s: dispatch MethodInstance for setindex_widen_up_to(::Vector{Float64}, ::Float16, ::Int64) from collect_to! at ./array.jl:717
So inferring `setindex_widen_up_to` was much more expensive than inferring 3 calls of `sqrt`.
function accumulate_by_callsite(ibs::AbstractVector{InferenceBreak})
cs = Dict{Location,Pair{Float64,Vector{InferenceBreak}}}()
for ib in ibs
loc = Location(ib)
val = get(cs, loc, nothing)
if val !== nothing
t, libs = val
push!(libs, ib)
t, libs = 0.0, [ib]
cs[loc] = t + inclusive_time(ib)/10^9 => libs
return sort([t => LocationBreaks(loc, libs) for (loc, (t, libs)) in cs]; by=first)

mis = collect_callerinstances(loc, tinf::Timing)
Collect `MethodInstance`s corresponding to a caller method at location `loc`.
These can be used to inspect the calling method for inference problems.
### Example
julia> function f(x)
x < 0.25 ? 1 :
x < 0.5 ? 1.0 :
x < 0.75 ? 0x01 : Float16(1)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> g(c) = f(c[1]) + f(c[2])
g (generic function with 1 method)
julia> tinf = @snoopi_deep g([0.7, 0.8]);
julia> ibs = inference_breaks(tinf)
1-element Vector{SnoopCompile.InferenceBreak}:
Inference break costing 0.001455366s: dispatch MethodInstance for +(::UInt8, ::Float16) from g at ./REPL[3]:1
julia> mis = collect_callerinstances(ibs[1], tinf)
1-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
MethodInstance for g(::Vector{Float64})
The entries of `mis` may be inspected (for example with Cthulhu) for inference problems.
function collect_callerinstances(loc::Location, t::Timing)
mis = collect(collect_callerinstances!(Set{MethodInstance}(), loc, t))
# collect_callerinstances! gets any method of that name that occurs earlier in the file; to be sure we've got the right method,
# make sure the body of the method includes the specific line number.
ms = unique(mi.def for mi in mis)
length(ms) < 2 && return mis
sort!(ms; by=m->m.line)
m = ms[end] # the last one should be the one that includes the given line
return filter(mi -> mi.def == m, mis)

collect_callerinstances(lib::LocationBreaks, t::Timing) = collect_callerinstances(lib.loc, t)
collect_callerinstances(ib::InferenceBreak, t::Timing) = collect_callerinstances(Location(ib), t)

function collect_callerinstances!(mis, loc, t::Timing)
m = t.mi_info.mi.def
if isa(m, Method)
if === loc.func && endswith(string(loc.file), string(m.file)) && m.line <= loc.line
push!(mis, t.mi_info.mi)
foreach(t.children) do child
collect_callerinstances!(mis, loc, child)
return mis

flamegraph(t::Core.Compiler.Timings.Timing; tmin_secs=0.0)
flamegraph(t::SnoopCompile.InclusiveTiming; tmin_secs=0.0)
Expand Down
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions test/snoopi_deep.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,37 @@ using AbstractTrees # For FlameGraphs tests
@test length(SnoopCompile.flatten_times(timing, tmin_secs=longest_frame_time)) == 1

@testset "inference_breaks" begin
myplus(x, y) = x + y # freshly redefined even if tests are re-run
function f(x)
x < 0.25 ? 1 :
x < 0.5 ? 1.0 :
x < 0.75 ? 0x01 : Float16(1)
g(c) = myplus(f(c[1]), f(c[2]))
tinf = @snoopi_deep g([0.7, 0.8])
@test length(inference_breaks(tinf; exclude_toplevel=false)) == 2
ibs = inference_breaks(tinf)
ib = only(ibs)
io = IOBuffer()
show(io, ib)
str = String(take!(io))
@test occursin(r"costing [0-9\.]+s", str)
@test occursin(r"MethodInstance for .*myplus.*(::UInt8, ::Float16)", str)
@test occursin("from g at", str)
mis = collect_callerinstances(ib, tinf)
@test only(mis).def == which(g, (Any,))
@test callingframe(ib).st[1].func === :eval

mysqrt(x) = sqrt(x)
c = Any[1, 1.0, 0x01, Float16(1)]
tinf = @snoopi_deep map(mysqrt, c)
ibs = inference_breaks(tinf)
libs = accumulate_by_callsite(ibs)
show(io, libs)
@test any(str->occursin("4 instances", str), split(String(take!(io)), '\n'))

@testset "flamegraph_export" begin
@eval module M # Take another timing
i(x) = x+5
Expand Down

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