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Skyrim alchemy helper


A useless tool to help discover ingredient effects in Skyrim.

The tool itself is completely useless to everyone except me: if you want to know the effects of an ingredient and don't want to do the work yourself, then just Google it.

I love discovering everything in my video games on my own, and I try very hard to avoid learning something about a game in any way other than playing the game. So why did I write this tool? Because to do so, I had to do all of the thinking that I love to do when playing Skyrim's alchemy minigame. This is my way of playing Skyrim while I'm away from my PS4 (and of course it's an opportunity to flex my Haskell muscle).

How alchemy works in Skyrim

There are ingredients, all of which have exactly 4 distinct effects. The effects are initially unknown to the player. The player can combine up to three ingredients at a time, consuming them in the process, and if any of them have a shared effect, then that effect is revealed to the player. (The player can also eat an ingredient to find out its first effect, and upgrading this ability fully allows the player to learn everything about an ingredient by eating it... but why waste perk points when I can math it out?)

For a simple example, consider two well-known ingredients: Butterfly Wing and Blue Mountain Flower. Let's say you just started your game, so you don't know their effects.

Blue Mountain Flower : ?, ?, ?, ?
Butterfly Wing       : ?, ?, ?, ?

When you combine them, you discover that they both have the Restore health effect.

Blue Mountain Flower : Restore health, ?, ?, ?
Butterfly Wing       : Restore health, ?, ?, ?

You can also infer that the remaining six effects are distinct. For example, consider Wheat:

Blue Mountain Flower : Restore health, ?, ?, ?
Butterfly Wing       : Restore health, ?, ?, ?
Wheat                : ?             , ?, ?, ?

When you combine Blue Mountain Flower and Wheat, you learn that they both have Restore health and Fortify health.

Blue Mountain Flower : Restore Health, Fortify Health, ?, ?
Butterfly Wing       : Restore Health, ?             , ?, ?
Wheat                : Restore Health, Fortify Health, ?, ?

But that's not all. You can now infer that Buttefly Wing cannot possibly have Fortify Health, since the only effect it shares with Blue Mountain Flower is Restore health!

So even if two ingredients don't match, you still gain some amount of information from trying to combine them. If you could quantify this, then you'd have an algorithm for solving Skyrim's alchemy: to choose three ingredients to combine, pick the three that maximize the expected information.

To be precise, every time you combine some ingredients, you lower the number of ways that you could "fill in" unknown effects in a way that's consistent with your observations so far. The amount of "information-theory" information that you gain from this action is then the log of the ratio between the initial number of possibilities and the new number of possibilities.

It turns out that trying to math it out directly like this is just too hard, even with computer assistance and a math degree. Maybe there's a way, but I don't know it. So this tool does the next best thing: heuristics.

Solving alchemy heuristically

There aren't very many effects in Skyrim. I don't know how many, but it would take a lot of creativity to come up with more than, say, 50. There are many more ingredients than effects, probably. If there are M effects and N ingredients, then you could learn all effects of all ingredients with brute-force by using O(N^2) units of each ingredient and combining each pair.

When you combine two ingredients, one of two things happens: either you learn at least one effect on some ingredient, or you learn that the ingredients are disjoint. Two disjoint ingredients cover 8 different effects. Twelve disjoint ingredients cover 48 different effects. If you knew twelve disjoint ingredients, then you could rule out 48 effects for any ingredient in just six steps (remember that you can combine three ingredients at a time). If there are only 48 effects in the game, that would mean you could learn the effects of all ingredients in no more than 6N steps (if you knew this magical partition of effects). Writing this in terms of N and M, that's O(NM), which should be much better than O(N^2) since M is probably much smaller than N.

So that's my first approximation: keep track of a largest set of disjoint ingredients, and compare each new ingredient to each ingredient in this set. You will either learn an effect on your ingredient, or you will discover that it's disjoint from all ingredients in your set and therefore you now have a bigger set of disjoint ingredients.

All this only helps you if the set of effects can be partitioned by ingredients. I doubt that's true. Instead of looking for a partition, one can look for a minimum cover. This is the set cover problem, and obviously it's NP-hard. This is "obvious" because if it weren't NP-hard, then Skyrim's alchemy would be too easy to be fun! I think at the core of every fun game is a large search space that prevents brute-force solutions and requires solving an NP-hard problem.

This repository


There are three primary files:

  • app/Main.hs has command parsing, and save/load code (and also main)
  • app/Command.hs defines the available commands
  • src/AlchemyData.hs defines a data structure for keeping track of alchemical knowledge

Usually 400+ line files offend my sensibilities, but I learned that trying to come up with a file organization structure before writing any code is a fool's errand. And there is a cost to switching between files during development.

So I started with all of my code in Main.hs and later factored out AlchemyData into its own file. I don't think AlchemyData should be factored further: it's a big file, but the code scores high on coherence. Then I factored out the Command data type and implementations into its own file while keeping command parsing in Main.hs.

How to run

If you really want to try it out, just stack run. This will open a prompt where you can enter commands. If you enter a command wrong, megaparsec will tell you the problem and the valid possibilities. You can use this to figure out the available commands: just enter an empty command.

Before every command, the program will save its current state of knowledge into output.txt. When you use stack run, the program will read from output.txt and restart where you left off.

You can read the code in Main.hs to learn the details of the commands. Here is the gist:

Query commands:

  • ingredients lists all ingredients
  • effects lists all effects
  • ingredients with [<eff name>]+ lists all ingredients that have all of the given effects
  • effects of <ing name> lists all effects on an ingredient
  • noneffects of <ing name> lists all effects that an ingredient is known not to have
  • potential effects of <ing name> lists all effects that an ingredient could still have
  • suggestions for <ing name> suggests a list of ingredients to try combining with your ingredient to learn new effects

Update commands:

  • overlap <ing name>, <ing name>: [<eff name>]* records the result of combining two ingredients (you don't have to use learn first)
  • learn effect <ing name>: [<eff name>]* records effects on an ingredient

Ingredient and effect names are not case sensitive.

If you misspell a name, make a backup of output.txt and try editing it. The easiest thing to do is to delete all lines with that name, but you might not want to do that if that removes a lot of information. The file format is very simple: !ING lines list all known effects on an ingredient and !OVERLAP lines list the recorded overlap between two ingredients (i.e. the result of combining them). You might be able to search-and-replace and then merge a few lines together to fix a mistake.

Haskell thoughts, opinions and lessons

One of the things I love about Haskell is how incredibly flexible it is. But that's also what makes writing Haskell difficult. In languages like Java or C++, I can usually convince myself that there is one "best" way of writing a snippet of code. I find this much harder in Haskell. let or where? x -> AlchemyData -> AlchemyData or x -> State AlchemyData () or Has (State AlchemyData) sig m => x -> m ()? A get followed by a large let block with pure bindings, or a let that defines stateful computations? lens operators or standard named functions? Point-free style or not?

Because of Haskell's flexibility (and its mathematical influences), understanding Haskell code is hard. Anyone can read some Python and glean some understanding of what it's doing. I think this Haskell code is easy to read:

positives %= multiMapInsert effect ingredient

but if you don't know the %= operator from lens, you might struggle to guess what this does. Someone new to Haskell might be confused upon seeing that the signature of multiMapInsert takes three arguments even though it is only applied to two here. The type signature of %= might look helpful:

(%=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m ()

but that's only until you get stuck looking at ASetter:

type ASetter s t a b = (a -> Identity b) -> s -> Identity t

This code is also perfectly reasonable, but even more baffling to someone unfamiliar with lens:

negativesNonComplete . traversed %= S.delete ingredient

I imagine this is even more confusing for someone who isn't yet familiar with how monads are used to model statefulness. (The code just deletes ingredient from every value in the negativesNonComplete map (negativesNonComplete isn't a map itself---it's a lens that lets you get and set the _negativesNonComplete field on an AlchemyData value, and that field is a map from effect names to sets of ingredients (the AlchemyData value is implicit here))).

A few more examples:

-- Lists all effects and prints them on separate lines
listAllEffects >>= mapM_ (sendIO . print)

-- A parser that outputs the ListEffects command if the user
-- typed the "effects" keyword
listEffectsCommand =
  symbol "effects" >> MP.eof >> return ListEffects
-- A parser that outputs the LearnIngredientEffect command if
-- the user typed
-- "learn effect <ingredient name>: <effect name> [, <effect name>]*"
learnIngredientEffectCommand = do
  void (symbol "learn effect")
  ingName <- ingredientName
  void (symbol ":")
  effs <- effectName `MP.sepEndBy1` symbol ","
  return $ LearnIngredientEffect ingName (S.fromList effs)
-- A part of a larger computation that finds ingredients to
-- fill in missing effects, while prioritizing ingredients that
-- cover multiple such effects
extraIngs <- execState (S.empty @AD.IngredientName) $ fix $ \loop -> do
  ingsSoFar <- get
  effsSoFar <- fold <$> mapM listEffectsOf (S.toList ingsSoFar)
  let missingEffs = effsMissingFromClique `S.difference` effsSoFar

  unless (S.null missingEffs) $ do
    ingsForMissingEffs <- listIngredientsWithAnyOf missingEffs

    rankedIngs <- forM (S.toList ingsForMissingEffs) $ \ingToRank -> do
      ingEffs <- listEffectsOf ingToRank
      return (ingToRank, S.size $ S.intersection ingEffs missingEffs)

    modify $ S.insert $
      fst $ maximumBy (compare `on` snd) rankedIngs


I think my Haskell code is readable and well-written, and I have an easy time orienting myself and understanding what the code is doing. I put a lot of effort into that. But it took a long time and a lot of learning to get to this point. So Haskell is both hard to read and hard to write---until you know enough and it becomes pleasant and (relatively) easy.

Haskell tricks I learned while writing this

  • You can nest do blocks to limit the scopes of bindings:

        x <- get
        doSomethingWith x
        doSomethingElse x y
      -- x is not in scope, so there's no chance I'll accidentally
      -- use it when I should be using 'get'

    This is like using extra braces in languages like C++ or Java.

  • When possible, use makeLenses instead of makeFields to avoid type ambiguity problems

  • Your code is easier to read if you use one-liner guards and extract long expressions into a shared where block (using the extra space you have to give the expressions expressive names)

    ingredientsNotOverlappingWith ing alchemyData
    | isIngCompleted = ingsNotContainingIngEffs
    | otherwise      = ingsNotOverlappingIncompleteIng
      isIngCompleted = isCompleted ing alchemyData
      ingsNotContainingIngEffs =
        foldl1' S.intersection
        [ ingredientsNotContaining eff alchemyData
        | eff <- S.toList $ effectsOf ing alchemyData ]
  • Use fold from Data.Foldable to turn Maybe (Set a) into Set a with an empty set for Nothing

  • Want to find all keys in a map whose values satisfy a predicate? Use itraversed and asIndex from lens

    -- alchemyData^.negativesNonComplete is Map EffectName (Set IngredientName)
    -- This code finds all EffectNames whose set of IngredientNames includes 'ing'
    . itraversed
    . filtered (S.member ing)
    . asIndex
  • Always use the readline package instead of getLine if you want to be able to use backspaces. It also gives you Emacs bindings for going through the command history (Ctrl-P, Ctrl-N)!

  • Emacs-specific: use C-u 8 0 - to place an 80-character line of dashes. Great for organizing a file.


Tool to help discover ingredient effects in Skyrim






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