Attention: this project was formerly known as SpecFlow.Reporting.WebApp. This is not an offical SpecFlow package and the name clashed with some of the official SpecFlow packages/namespace. Therefor it was renamed to SpecResults.WebApp
All previous published versions of SpecFlow.Reporting.WebApp are still available on, alltough they aren't listed anymore.
NuGet: SpecResults.WebApp
Make your existing StepDefinitions class inherit from SpecResults.ReportingStepDefinitions
Initialize and add the reporter in [BeforeTestRun] and register on one of the events to get notified when something gets reported:
[Binding] public class StepDefinitions : ReportingStepDefinitions { [BeforeTestRun] public static void BeforeTestRun() { var webApp = new WebAppReporter(); webApp.Settings.Title = "WebAppReporter Showcase"; Reporters.Add(webApp); Reporters.FinishedReport += (sender, args) => { var reporter = args.Reporter as WebAppReporter; if (reporter != null) { reporter.WriteToFolder("app", true); } }; } }
In order to browser the web app report, you must host the file into a web browser. Here is an example of hosting it with node.js. Simple go to the app folder and do the following :
$ npm install connect serve-static
var connect = require('connect');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');
$ node server.js
You can now go to http://localhost:8080/yourfile.html