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chore(release): 🚀 release 1.0.0 [skip ci]
# 1.0.0 (2023-10-08) ### Bug Fixes * add `{workspaceRoot}` prefix (from Nx `v15+`) to targets' `outputs` ([411b402](411b402)) * **common:** bump version of `@nxrocks/common` for Nx 16 support ([980a86f](980a86f)), closes [#169](#169) * **common:** connections over Proxy not using correct `HTTP` protocol ([5cd3551](5cd3551)), closes [#158](#158) * **common:** fix `Error [ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE]: Premature close` ([fb5f797](fb5f797)), closes [#142](#142) * **common:** fix bug when fetching dependencies of maven based projects ([2ada704](2ada704)) * **common:** fix dependency graph generation failure on `windows` OS ([26ef7c4](26ef7c4)), closes [#170](#170) * **common:** fix deprecated usage of dependency graph API ([badf089](badf089)) * **common:** fix ProjectGraph for `Gradle` multi-module projects ([0ef0d17](0ef0d17)) * **common:** fix regex used to fetch gradle dependencies ([f1779a4](f1779a4)) * **common:** fix wrong groupId used for Spotless maven plugin ([3e4c613](3e4c613)) * **common:** ignore output when fetching package latest version from npm ([f426575](f426575)) * **common:** improve the checking/adding of a maven plugin in `pom.xml` ([b8f59cf](b8f59cf)) * correct `TypeError: builder.getProjectGraph is not a function` ([3458f66](3458f66)), closes [#72](#72) * enforce plugin `peerDependencies` on Nx `v15.0.0` and later ([4c220bb](4c220bb)) * fix executor output not restored when found in Nx cache ([fbb385a](fbb385a)), closes [#111](#111) * fix installation issue due to `hpagent` not being found ([3620d23](3620d23)), closes [#128](#128) * fix transitive `dependencies` from `@nxrocks/common` ([3594b1e](3594b1e)), closes [#131](#131) * improve schemas of generators for a better UX in `Nx Console` ([0214736](0214736)) * loosen `peerDependencies` on `@nx/*` to support v16.0.0 AND higher ([fb2f8df](fb2f8df)) * **nx-micronaut:** add `x-dropdown` to improve UX of `link` generator ([e0f551b](e0f551b)) * **nx-micronaut:** fix `serve` and `apply-format` alias executors ([30d75d7](30d75d7)) * **nx-micronaut:** fix generation without feature ([#136](#136)) ([76db010](76db010)) * **nx-micronaut:** fix project's base package/artifact name computation ([f2f2983](f2f2983)) * plugins include spec files in distributed pkg ([21bac53](21bac53)) * set `@nrwl/*` packages as `peerDependencies` ([d03b709](d03b709)), closes [#106](#106) ### Features * **common-cli:** add `common-cli` to share code among our `create-*` CLI packages ([bcb5fd2](bcb5fd2)) * **common:** add `addMavenProperty` helper and improve `xpath` matching ([9f89c08](9f89c08)) * **common:** add `MavenDependency` model ([5ab8c1d](5ab8c1d)) * **common:** add a utility to disable a gradle plugin ([171ad81](171ad81)) * **common:** add a utility to remove a maven plugin from the `pom.xml` ([8c13087](8c13087)) * **common:** add helper to get project root directory ([adbc8a9](adbc8a9)) * **common:** add support for `nx-micronaut` plugin ([b72cdaf](b72cdaf)) * **common:** add utilities for multi-module `maven`/`gradle` projects ([f2e4939](f2e4939)) * **common:** add utilities to add `maven`/`gradle` modules ([2237201](2237201)) * **common:** add utility method to get http[s] proxy agent ([da61925](da61925)) * **common:** add utility to check the presence of a plugin in `pom.xml` ([bfec05f](bfec05f)) * **common:** add utility to unzip a zip stream ([a472c00](a472c00)) * **common:** add xml utilities to remove or check if a node is empty ([d07b827](d07b827)) * **common:** allow using legacy wrappers (i.e `.bat`, for maven mostly) ([7a13720](7a13720)) * **common:** increase the `maxBuffer` when running executors commands ([4bc388d](4bc388d)) * **common:** make the `version` optional when adding a gradle plugin ([bd3a182](bd3a182)) * **common:** move `octal` function into e2e testing utils ([b15a616](b15a616)) * **common:** update Spotless gradle plugin from `6.2.2` --> `6.8.0` ([8c76d3b](8c76d3b)) * **common:** update Spotless maven plugin from `2.20.2` --> `2.23.0` ([ab182ef](ab182ef)) * **create-nx-micronaut:** add custom CLI to create Micronaut projects ([2dce944](2dce944)) * **create-nx-spring-boot:** add custom CLI to create Spring Boot projects ([32ca53c](32ca53c)) * **nx-flutter:** add nx-flutter plugin ([e7426e9](e7426e9)) * **nx-flutter:** add support for Nx 's dependency graph generation ([6fb58de](6fb58de)), closes [#28](#28) * **nx-flutter:** auto-adapt prompt & builders based on previous answers ([668dd28](668dd28)), closes [#26](#26) * **nx-flutter:** migrate to Nrwl's DevKit executors/generators API ([8c72ed5](8c72ed5)) * **nx-ktor:** add `nx-ktor` plugin ([cb74a79](cb74a79)) * **nx-melos:** add `nx-melos` plugin ([4fb5da8](4fb5da8)) * **nx-micronaut:** add proxy support for project generation ([615c412](615c412)) * **nx-micronaut:** add `nx-micronaut` plugin ([08d6099](08d6099)) * **nx-micronaut:** add `skipFormat` to control code formatting ([bbc0df2](bbc0df2)) * **nx-micronaut:** add `test` executor to cached outputs ([be7920e](be7920e)) * **nx-micronaut:** add dynamic prompt to fetch micronaut features list ([d23d4bc](d23d4bc)) * **nx-micronaut:** add install executor + make build depend on it ([10ab5b7](10ab5b7)) * **nx-micronaut:** add support for creating multi-modules projects ([b20eb48](b20eb48)) * **nx-micronaut:** change default build system to `gradle` ([910d69c](910d69c)) * **nx-micronaut:** improve logging when cannot generate project ([15ace81](15ace81)) * **nx-micronaut:** make `build` executor results cacheable ([d116760](d116760)) * **nx-micronaut:** rename executors to use `kebab-case` ([7bfc305](7bfc305)) * **nx-micronaut:** unselect by default adding code formatting support ([cb52710](cb52710)) * **nx-micronaut:** update JDK version from `16` -> `17` ([a0e81e1](a0e81e1)), closes [#135](#135) * **nx-quarkus:** add plugin to integrate `Quarkus` inside Nx workspace ([2f7c6c0](2f7c6c0)) * **nx-spring-boot:** add `application` schematics ([f22e63f](f22e63f)) * **nx-spring-boot:** add support for creating multi-modules projects ([7c2de5a](7c2de5a)) * **nx-spring-boot:** add support for Nx's dependency graph generation ([95abe9d](95abe9d)) * **nx-spring-boot:** migrate to Nrwl's DevKit executors/generators API ([47231fd](47231fd)) * update dependencies and fix lint issues ([cfac383](cfac383)) * update to Nx workspace `v15.0.0` ([a0af206](a0af206)), closes [#138](#138) * update to Nx workspace `v16.0.0` ([ab11ea8](ab11ea8)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * Nx `v16.x.x` is now the minimum required version to use the plugin * **nx-micronaut:** Nx `v15.8.x` is now the minimum required version to run the plugin We now leverage Nx's new `NX_INTERACTIVE` environment variable to check whether we are running in interactive mode (normal cli) or not. When true, we automatically fetch `Micronaut` features and present them in an **autocomplete** prompt with **multi-select** support, so you can easily select which ones you want to include in your project. * Nx `v15.x.x` is now the minimum required version to use the plugin * **nx-micronaut:** `format-check` executor was renamed into `check-format` and `do-fomat` was removed * **nx-micronaut:** All executors of this plugin now use `kebab-case` over `camelCase` for consistency This only affects `aotSampleConfig` executor, which has been renamed into `aot-sample-config`. * Nx v12.6.x is now the minimum version required to use the plugins This is due to breaking changes in DevKit's project graph API starting from v12.6.x * **nx-flutter:** Nx workspace v11 is now the minimum version required to use this plugin. In fact, all builders/schematics have been rewritten into executors/generators using its new `@nrwl/devkit` API. * **nx-spring-boot:** Nx workspace v11 is now the minimum version required to use this plugin. In fact, all builders/schematics have been rewritten into executors/generators using its new `@nrwl/devkit` API.
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