Supabase is an awesome open source alternative to Firebase, where it provides you with a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Edge Functions, Realtime subscriptions, and Storage.
This list tries to cover what is awesome about the product and its community! 👁⚡️👁
- Official Starters
- Community Starters
- Data Migration Tools
- Supabase DX Tools
- Community Tools
- UI Libraries
- Videos, Livestreams, Talks
- Online Courses
- Integration Guides
- Other interesting articles
- Expo, supabase-js-v2 -
- Nextjs (TS), supabase-js-v2 -
- Nuxt3, supabase-js-v2 -
- Nuxt, supabase-js-v2 -
- React, supabase-js-v2 -
- Solid, supabase-js-v2 -
- Svelte, supabase-js-v2 -
- Flutter, supabase-js-v2 -
- Nextjs, supabase-js-v2, Slack Clone -
- Svelte, supabase-js-v2, Todo list -
- React Native, Stripe Payments -
- Flutter, Stripe Payments -
- Vuepabase - A Vue3 Supabase starter, with Pinia, Vue-router 4, TailwindCSS, Vitest, Cypress and more.
- Supastarter - A Supabase starter with Next.js, authentication, mail templates, landing page, dashboard and blog.
- RedwoodJS Supabase Quickstart - Supabase Quickstart example app with RedwoodJS.
- Supabase Schema - Generate SQL scripts and database diagram with this handy tool. No sensitive information is required, only need the project url + anonymous key.
- Heroku to Supabase Importer - Given Heroku is ending free-tier support soon, if you have any Postgres DB that you want to continue supporting on your projects, migrating to Supabase will be a good choice. With this tool, it will be a breeze to migrate over. Here's a guide with a video for this migration process.
- Supabase DB to Google Sheets - Tool to pull Supabase data into Google Sheets.
- Retool REST API data generator - Tool to generate structured data to be inserted into your PostgresDB.
- Supabase CLI - The Supabase CLI provides tools to develop your project locally and deploy to the Supabase Platform.
- Supabase SQL - Find common use case SQL scripts easily for copy pasting.
- MadeWithSupabase - App to explore projects made with Supabase. Users can find by specific Supabase functionality used or via user-given tags, and also find projects submitted in specific calendar months.
- Octokit-lite - App that performs common use case GitHub operations on multiple repositories efficiently. Uses Supabase Auth and DB.
- Generate Supabase Database Types GitHub Action - GitHub action to generate types based on your Supabase database.
- Supabase Cache Helpers - Collection of framework specific Cache utilities for working with Supabase.
- Postgres WASM by Snaplet and Supabase - Tool to run Postgres in the browser.
- Is Supabase Legit? Firebase Alternative Breakdown - Video by on Supabase.
- Supabase Happy Hours - A signature ongoing series of livestreams hosted by the Supabase core team, where they try to create side projects using Supabase APIs and engage with the community. Hosted by core members Thor Schaeff, Jon Meyers, Alaister Young and Tyler Shukert.
- Supabase Developer Stories - An ongoing series where SaaS founders/co-founders that use Supabase to showcase their products.
- CityJS 2022 Talk on Building Billy with Supabase - A talk on how a React Native expense tracker side project is built with Supabase, by a SupaSquad member Estee Tey.
- Build a Full-Stack App with Next.js, Supabase & Prisma - Learn to build a full-stack application from scratch using some of the best modern web technologies: React / Next.js, Prisma, and Supabase. Free course by Grégory D'Angelo.
- Cache Supabase data at the Edge with Cloudflare Workers and KV Storage - Teaches devs how to query, perform cache crud operations on Supabase with KV Storage using Cloudflare workers through a free course. Featured at Cloudflare x Supabase Developer Meetup. Free course by Jon Meyers.
- Firebase to Supabase - A collection of guides of migrating from different components of Firebase such as Auth, Firestore, Storage, Functions to Supabase.
- How to Manage Your Supabase Database with Directus - Directus Studio provides a means to browse, manage, and visualize database content through a no-code app and this guide shows how to setup Supabase with Directus.
- Supabase admin panel tutorial with Retool - Retool helps teams to build internal tools quickly. Learn how to setup an admin panel using Retool and Supabase. Includes demo of Retool REST API data generator which helps you easily generate structured data to be inserted into your DB.
- How to market to developers on Twitter: Learnings from 4 months of Supabase feed - This article explores how Supabase is rapidly growing on Twitter and how they market their product.