- node v16.x.x (LTS)
- Install dependencies
npm ci
The project uses NPM Workspaces. There are 2 workspaces:
The following command are available for both (substitute <workspace>
with either)
- Start dev server with live reload on source change
npm -w <workspace> run dev
- Build production artifacts into the
npm -w <workspace> run build
# or to build everything at once:
npm run build:all
The following commands act on the whole repository:
- Lint
npm run lint
# to also fix all auto fixable errors, run
npm run lint:fix
The following commands currently work only for the frontend
- Test
# To run all test suites, use
npm -w <workspace> run test:all
# to run only files mathing a certain pattern use
# note that we need to include ".spec.ts" so it doesn't try to run actual source files
npm -w <workspace> run test **/*pattern*.spec.ts
# to watch for changes on the test file and re-run it on save, use
npm -w <workspace> run test **/*pattern*.spec.ts -- --watch
# or the convenience npm script
npm -w <workspace> run test:watch **/*pattern*.spec.ts
- Test coverage
npm -w <workspace> run coverage
To test networking in a local network (on different machines),
You must set the environmental variable BACKEND_URL
to your machine's external IP address and the backend server's port (default 10555
Then run the frontend dev server with
npm -w frontend run dev -- --host
And run the backend server with:
npm -w backend run dev
When the backend is running, you the frontend should show "Connection Status: Connected" in the lower right corner and you should be able to host a network game.
To create a release, use the npm script
npm run release:<version>
Where <version>
is either patch
, minor
or major
. This will create a new NPM version and publish a release on GitHub.
This should also trigger a deploy on Render.com (tinywars.onrender.com).
Game runs very sluggish on Waterfox browser.