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⛰️ A utility-first CSS framework that serves as the foundation of your design system


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Steller CSS

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Steller is a utility-first CSS framework that serves as the foundation of your application's design system. It includes built-in smart defaults for building responsive, accesible, and visually consistent user interfaces. Unlike other CSS frameworks, Steller has no opinion on the actual end appearance of your application, it is simply a bridge for your design system and your application's styling.


  • Simple configuration & setup ⚙️
  • Grid system built with CSS Grid 📏
  • Sass based ✨
  • Encourages mobile-first development 📱
  • Extensible module system 🚀
  • Zero dependencies 🙌


npm i steller-css
yarn add steller-css


In you index.scss or equivilent, import steller-css.

// Assuming you are using webpack
@import '~steller-css/index'; // StellerCSS

Example Projects


All config variables are optional to define as they already have default values. You can take a look at them here.

It is recommended to make a steller-config.scss file to be the centralized configuration file. Feel free to name this anything.

@import 'steller-config'; // Your config
@import '~steller-css/index'; // StellerCSS

Check out this example theme configuration file and feel free to copy/paste it into yours. The values are the same as the defaults above, but this config is your application's design system so get in there make it your own!


$steller-colors: (
  // brand
  'primary': #586f7c,
  'secondary': #b8dbd9,

  // accents
  'dwight-schrute': #0FF1C3,
  'a-song-of-this-and-fire': #1CE,


$steller-font-families: (
  'accent': cursive,

$steller-font-sizes: (
  'xs': 0.75rem,
  'sm': 0.875rem,
  'md': 1rem,
  'lg': 1.5,
  'xl': 1.875rem,
  '2xl': 2.25rem,
  '3xl': 3rem,
  '4xl': 3.75rem,

  'bold': 700,
  'medium': 500,
  'regular': 400,
  'light': 300,
  'thin': 100,

$steller-leadings: (
  'sm': 1.25rem,
  'md': 1.5rem,
  'lg': 1.75rem,
  'xl': 2rem,

$steller-letter-spacings: (
  'tight': -0.05rem,
  'normal': 0,
  'wide': 0.05rem,


$steller-breakpoints: (
  'sm': 320px,
  'md': 600px,
  'lg': 1024px,


$steller-container-width: 1140px;
$steller-container-paddings: (
  'sm': (padding: 8px),
  'md': (padding: 12px),
  'lg': (padding: 16px),


$steller-grid-columns: 12;

$steller-column-gutters: (
  'sm': 16px,
  'md': 16px,
  'lg': 24px,

$steller-row-gutters: (
  'sm': 8px,
  'md': 8px,
  'lg': 16px,


$steller-spacings: (
  'xs': 4px,
  'sm': 8px,
  'md': 16px,
  'lg': 24px,
  'xl': 32px,
  '2xl': 48px,
  '3xl': 64px,


$steller-border-radiuses: (
  'sm': 5px,
  'md': 10px,
  'lg': 15px,
  'xl': 20px,

$steller-border-widths: (
  'xs': 1px,
  'sm': 2px,
  'md': 4px,
  'lg': 6px,
  'xl': 8px,


$steller-transition-properties: (
$steller-durations: (
  'extra-slow': 500ms,
  'slow': 400ms,
  'normal': 300ms,
  'fast': 200ms,
  'extra-fast': 100ms,


$steller-box-shadows: (
  'sm': 0 7px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.11), 0 1px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06),
  'md': 0 10px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.22), 0 3px 12px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07),
  'lg': 0 15px 30px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33), 0 5px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1),


$steller-gradients: (
  'cta-primary': linear-gradient(to right, #55c1ff, #5863f8),

Utility Classes


Class Properties
.container margin: 0 auto; max-width: $container-width; position: relative;
<div class="container"></div>


Class Properties
.grid display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat($grid-columns, 1fr);
.{$breakpont}:col-{$span} grid-column: span $span;
.{$breakpont}:row-{$span} grid-row: span $span;
.{$breakpont}:col-{$span}-start-{$grid-column-start} grid-column: $grid-column-start / span $span;
<div class="grid">
  <div class="col-12 md:col-6"></div>
  <div class="col-12 md:col-6"></div>


Class Properties
.font-{$family} font-family: $font-family
.font-size-{$size} font-size: $size
.font-weight-{$weight} font-size: $weight
.leading-{$leading} line-height: $leading
.italic font-style: italic;
.underline text-decoration: underline;
.no-underline text-decoration: none;
.lowercase text-transform: lowercase;
.uppercase text-transform: uppercase;
.capitalize text-transform: captialize;
.letter-spacing-tight letter-spacing: -0.05em;
.letter-spacing-normal letter-spacing: 0em;
.letter-spacing-wide letter-spacing: 0.05em;
.list-reset list-style: none; padding: 0;
.whitespace-normal white-space: normal;
.whitespace-no-wrap white-space: nowrap;
.whitespace-pre white-space: pre;
.whitespace-pre-line white-space: pre-line;
.whitespace-pre-wrap white-space: pre-wrap;
.break-word word-wrap: break-word;
.break-word word-wrap: normal;
.truncate overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipses; white-space: nowrap;
<!-- font size -->
<div class="font-size-3xl"></div>

<!-- font weight -->
<div class="font-weight-bold"></div>

<!-- leading (line height) -->
<div class="leading-sm"></div>


Class Properties
.text-{$color} color: $color;
.bg-{$color} background-color: $color;
$steller-colors: (
  'my-color-name': #586f7c,
<div class="text-my-color-name"></div>
<div class="bg-my-color-name"></div>


Class Properties
.block display: block;
.inline-block display: inline-block;
.inline display: inline;
.hidden display: none;
.text-center text-align: center;
.text-left text-align: left;
.text-right text-align: right;
.text-justify text-align: justify;
.float-left float: left;
.float-right float: right;
.float-none float: none;
.static position: static;
.fixed position: fixed;
.absolute position: absolute;
.relative position: relative;
.sticky position: sticky;
.pin top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
.pin-t top: 0;
.pin-r right: 0;
.pin-b bottom: 0;
.pib-l left: 0;
.visible visibility: visible;
.invisible visibility: hidden;
.z-0 z-index: 0;
.z-1 z-index: 1;
.z-2 z-index: 2;
.z-10 z-index: 10;
.z-20 z-index: 20;
.z-max z-index: 2147483647;
.vertical-align-baseline vertical-align: baseline;
.vertical-align-top vertical-align: top;
.vertical-align-middle vertical-align: middle;
.vertical-align-bottom vertical-align: bottom;
.vertical-align-text-top vertical-align: text-top;
.vertical-align-text-bottom vertical-align: text-bottom;


Class Properties
.m-{$size} margin: $size;
.p-{$size} padding: $size;
.mx-{$size} margin-left: $size; margin-right: $size;
.px-{$size} padding-left: $size; padding-right: $size;
.my-{$size} margin-top: $size; margin-bottom: $size;
.py-{$size} padding-top: $size; padding-bottom: $size;
.mt-{$size} margin-top: $size;
.pt-{$size} padding-top: $size;
.mr-{$size} margin-right: $size;
.pr-{$size} padding-right: $size;
.mb-{$size} margin-bottom: $size;
.pb-{$size} padding-bottom: $size;
.ml-{$size} margin-left: $size;
.pl-{$size} padding-left: $size;
  • Spacing Sizes: ('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl', '3xl')
<!-- margin all sides large -->
<div class="m-lg"></div>

<!-- padding top/bottom small -->
<div class="py-sm"></div>

<!-- margin top 2xl -->
<div class="mt-2xl"></div>

<!-- padding right extra small -->
<div class="pr-xs"></div>


Class Properties
.flex display: flex;
.inline-flex display: inline-flex;
.flex-row flex-direction: row;
.flex-col flex-direction: col;
.flex-row-reverse flex-direction: row-reverse;
.flex-col-reverse flex-direction: col-reverse;
.flex-wrap flex-wrap: wrap;
.flex-no-wrap flex-wrap: nowrap;
.flex-wrap-reverse flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
.items-strech align-items: stretch;
.items-start align-items: flex-start;
.items-center align-items: center;
.items-end align-items: flex-end;
.items-baseline align-items: baseline;
.content-start align-content: flex-start;
.content-center align-content: center;
.content-end align-content: flex-end;
.content-betwen align-content: space-between;
.content-around align-content: space-around;
.self-auto align-self: auto;
.self-start align-self: flex-start;
.self-center align-self: center;
.self-end align-self: flex-end;
.self-stretch align-self: stretch;
.justify-start justify-content: flex-start;
.justify-center justify-content: center;
.justify-end justify-content: flex-end;
.flex-initial flex: initial;
.flex-1 flex: 1;
.flex-2 flex: 2;
.flex-auto flex: auto;
.flex-none flex: none;
.flex-grow flex-grow: 1;
.flex-shrink flex-shrink: 1;
.flex-no-grow flex-grow: 0;
.flex-no-shrink flex-shrink: 0;


Class Properties
.w-auto width: auto;
.w-full width: 100%;
.w-screen width: 100vw;
.w-1px width: 1px;
.h-auto height: auto;
.h-full height: 100%;
.h-screen height: 100vh;
.h-1px height: 1px;
.min-w-auto min-width: auto;
.min-w-full min-width: 100%;
.min-w-screen min-width: 100vw;
.min-w-1px min-width: 1px;
.min-w-0 min-width: 0;
.min-h-auto min-height: auto;
.min-h-full min-height: 100%;
.min-h-screen min-height: 100vh;
.min-h-1px min-height: 1px;
.min-h-0 min-height: 0;
.max-w-auto max-width: auto;
.max-w-full max-width: 100%;
.max-w-screen max-width: 100vw;
.max-w-1px max-width: 1px;
.max-w-0 max-width: 0;
.max-h-auto max-height: auto;
.max-h-full max-height: 100%;
.max-h-screen max-height: 100vh;
.max-h-1px max-height: 1px;
.max-h-0 max-height: 0;


Class Properties
.rounded-{$size} border-radius: $size;
.border-{$color} border-color: auto;
.border-{$corner}-{$radius} border-{$corner}-radius: $radius;
.border-{$width} border-width: $width;
.border-{$side}-{$width} border-{$side}-width: $width;
.border-solid border-style: solid;
.border-dashed border-style: dashed;
.border-dotted border-style: dotted;
.border-inset border-style: inset;
.border-outset border-style: outset;
  • Border Radius Sizes: ('sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl')
  • Border Width Sizes: ('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl')
$steller-colors: (
  'my-color-name': #586f7c,
<!-- border radius (all 4 corners) -->
<div class="rounded-lg"></div>

<!-- border top -->
<div class="border-top-xs border-my-color-name border-solid"></div>

<!-- rounded bottom right corner only -->
<div class="rounded-br-sm"></div>


Class Properties
.shadow-{$size} box-shadow: $size;
.opacity-100 opacity: 1;
.opacity-75 opacity: 0.75;
.opacity-50 opacity: 0.5;
.opacity-25 opacity: 0.25;
.opacity-0 opacity: 0;
  • Box Shadow Sizes: ('sm', 'md', 'lg')
<div class="shadow-md"></div>


Class Properties
.bg-gradient-{$gradient-name} background-image: $gradient;
$steller-colors: (
  'my-color-name': #586f7c,
<div class="bg-gradient-my-gradient-name"></div>


Class Properties
.bg-attachment-fixed background-attachment: fixed;
.bg-attachment-local background-attachment: local;
.bg-attachment-scroll background-attachment: scroll;
.bg-position-bottom background-position: bottom;
.bg-position-center background-position: center;
.bg-position-left background-position: left;
.bg-position-left-bottom background-position: left-bottom;
.bg-position-left-top background-position: left-top;
.bg-position-right background-position: right;
.bg-position-right-bottom background-position: right-bottom;
.bg-position-right-top background-position: right-top;
.bg-position-top background-position: top;
.bg-repeat background-repeat: repeat;
.bg-no-repeat background-repeat: no-repeat;
.bg-repeat-x background-repeat: repeat-x;
.bg-repeat-y background-repeat: repeat-y;
.bg-size-auto background-size: auto;
.bg-size-cover background-size: cover;
.bg-size-contain background-size: contain;


Class Properties
.appearance-none appearance: none;
.cursor-auto cursor: auto;
.cursor-default cursor: default;
.cursor-pointer cursor: pointer;
.cursor-wait cursor: wait;
.cursor-move cursor: move;
.cursor-not-allowed cursor: not-allowed;
.outline-none outline: none;
.pointer-events-none pointer-events: none;
.pointer-events-auto pointer-events: auto;
.resize-none resize: none;
.resizable resize: both;
.resizable-y resize: vertical;
.resizable-x resize: horizontal;
.user-select-text user-select: text;
.user-select-none user-select: none;


Class Properties
.table-auto table-layout: auto;
.table-fixed table-layout: fixed;
.border-collapse border-collapse: collapse;
.border-seperate border-collapse: separate;


Class Properties
.fill-current fill: currentColor;
.stroke-current stroke: currentColor;

State Variants


For breakpoint specific stylings, add the breakpoint label prefix to the beginning of the class.

<span class="text-success md:text-danger">
  I am naturally the success color,
  but I am the danger color above the medium breakpoint


To apply a style on hover, prefix the normal class with hover:.

<span class="hover:underline">
  I am undelrined on hover!


To apply a style on focus, prefix the normal class with focus:.

<span class="focus:underline">
  I am undelrined on focus!


To apply a style on active, prefix the normal class with active:.

<span class="active:underline">
  I am undelrined on active!

Custom CSS

Within a functional CSS paradigm, you hopefully won't be writing that much custom styling in CSS/SCSS files, but you'll likely need to write some for the occasional complex component or feature. Steller recognizes this and exposes all of your theme config variables as CSS Custom Properties (CSS Variables) to help you.

Your config

$steller-colors: (
  'primary': lightblue,
  'secondary': pink,

$steller-font-families: (
  'classy': ('Comic Sans', cursive),

Your feature

.some-complex-element {
  background: linear-gradient(var(--color-primary), var(--color-secondary));
  font-family: var(--font-classy);
  font-size: var(--font-size-2xl);

Optionally, you can just reference the Steller theme variables directly or use one of the helper sass functions Steller provides.

.foo {
  // finds the color named 'primary' in your $steller-colors theme var
  background-color: color('primary');
  // finds the font family named 'classy' in your $steller-custom-font-families theme var
  font-family: font-family('classy');

List of all built-in functions like the above color & font-family example:

  • color()
  • font-family()
  • spacing()
  • border-radius()
  • border-width()
  • box-shadow()
  • breakpoint()
  • column-gutter()
  • row-gutter()
  • gradient()
  • speed()

Extending Steller / Custom Classes

Steller is extensible via first or third-party modules. Simply add a sass map to the $steller-modules variable in your theme conifg (or anywhere before your steller-css import). Example.

$steller-modules: (

Your module variable should look something along these lines:

$my-custom-utils: (
  'wumbo': font-size: 100px,
  'cant-see-u': (opacity: 0, visibility: hidden),
<span class="cant-see-u md:wumbo">
  Custom classes! :tada:

Classes via steller modules automatically have all prefixed variants available.



  • Ship a stable, battle-tested 1.0 version

Steller Family

What is functional/atomic/utility-first CSS?

TailwindCSS vs StellerCSS

The most similar framework to Steller is without a doubt Tailwind CSS. Tailwind is awesome and it was half of the reason I first realized the true power of utility-first CSS to begin with. So why Steller then? At Snap! Raise, we had a couple of primary reasons to roll our own framework.

  • The Grid System. Tailwind doesn't have a built-in grid system and you're kinda stuck with hacking together a flexbox/width percentage solution as shown in their docs. A 12-column grid system is really important to us from both a design and developement perspective. The Steller grid system, which is built on top of CSS Grid, offers a lot more here.
  • Sass vs JS. Tailwind is written in PostCSS which is a tool for transforming styles via JavaScript plugins. Though a very powerfull tool, it is my opinion that it's benefits comes with the trade offs of a more complex setup and steeper learning curve. Our team was already familiar with and using Sass and we wanted to stay within that reliable paradigm. Jumping into a JavaScript file to change your base CSS configuration just seems like a context switch.

Other than that, Steller and Tailwind are pretty much very similar tools. Like previously mentioned, the initial development of Steller was done with Tailwind as a key inspiration.