Want to get started with QGIS, but have no clue what to do?? You're in the right place!
Originally created for a QGIS workshop held for students in Amsterdam in December 2019, but the materials are open for everyone to use/copy/improve.
There are three basic tasks with instructions and sample data in the sample_data folder. They do not contain step by step instructions for each, but will give you the necessary input data and a brief description of steps you need to take to do the tasks.
Before you can find QGIS installers for your OS here:
Learn the absolute basics with this excellent video:
Excellent source of basic QGIS tutorials: https://www.qgistutorials.com/en/
Another QGIS tutorial from GitHub. Also contains materials for QGIS 3.x:
Basic data for administrative areas, borders and topography can be found easily from Natural Earth:
Data for Amsterdam can be found here:
Free GIS datasets (What a name, eh?):
OpenStreetMap can be downloaded using a QGIS plugin of your choice (e.g. QuickOSM) or for example from GeoFabrik:
Need to do some geocoding? Check this site also for other useful materials:
Does your data look ugly and incorrect in EPSG:4326? Check this site for an optimal projection:
Why do I need to care about coordinate systems? This is why: https://thetruesize.com/
Watch this video if you want to get a better idea about the possibilities of data analysis and visualisation in QGIS:
For a more advanced user, here's a blog explaining how to do animations using the Time Manager plugin: